As you are aware, Ä¢¹½tv has enacted a "distance only" policy for its course instruction, and has mandated that students vacate campus housing by Saturday, March 21. These restrictions, coupled with mandates from the offices of both the Chancellor and the Governor, will impact significantly the availability of students on campus. The "common sense" health directives being issued also suggest that all personnel restrict their social interactions and their travels. These restrictions have the potential to significantly impact investigator ability to conduct planned research.

In this time of curtailed activities, the IACUC asks that investigators

  • remember that the switch to online-only instruction does not release faculty from their other responsibilities, including supervision and maintenance of their research animals.
  • be especially mindful of the need to continue routine animal care and surveillance. Many of us rely upon students for animal care, and it is essential that investigators remain vigilant to ensure that all animal care is being completed according to schedule.
  • consider carefully the research activities they choose to undertake during this period of limited personnel availability and travel restrictions.
  • consult with external collaborators and/or research sites to ensure that coordination of external research remains possible.
  • don't hesitate to ask for help if neededfrom fellow investigators, the IACUC, the NSM Dean's Office, or the SGSR.

The IACUC will continue its normal function as much as is possible during this period of adjustment.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


PM Nealen
Chair, Ä¢¹½tv IACUC