“Chip In to Make a Difference”
A donation through SECA makes it possible to give locally, to give regionally, to give nationally, and/or to give globally.
With about , you can direct your giving to those causes and missions most important to you. Agencies are listed by county and by mission.
You can support the United Way by directing a portion or your entire donation to your local United Way organization.
Giving through SECA is easy and convenient by pledging through automatic payroll deductions. Again this year, Ä¢¹½tv employees can make a pledge via the . Regular payroll deductions also make it possible to give a more substantial gift over the course of the year than would be possible with one-time giving (though one-time gifts are most welcome).
Giving through SECA is non-political. It is endorsed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Ä¢¹½tv, and all the labor organizations representing Ä¢¹½tv faculty and staff.