Emeritus status is an honor conferred by the university. In addition to the public award and inclusion in a published listing of emeriti, the university may provide benefits such as library privileges and office space when available. The university community is encouraged to use the skills and the talents of emeriti on a voluntary basis when appropriate.
Nominations for emeritus status should be initiated within two years following retirement. Nominations may be made by a current or recently retired/resigned Ä¢¹½tv faculty (preferably from the nominee's department/unit) who is familiar with the nominee's professional contribution. The candidate for emeritus status shall seek the endorsement of his/her department or administrative unit. The members of the department/unit will vote whether to recommend the candidate according to the department's established procedures. A vote by secret ballot is required by tenured and tenure-track members at a regular or properly called department meeting at which a quorum is present.
The department vote is one important source of information that will be used in evaluating the nomination; however the department/unit vote will not necessarily preclude the nominee from further consideration. The vote will be reported to the nominator, along with indication of the area(s) the department/unit determined the candidate has not excelled, if a majority approval is not secured. With this information, the nominator in consultation with the nominee (where possible) will decide whether to continue with the application process. When both nominator and nominee choose to continue with the application process, the nominator shall send the completed transmittal form, along with the nomination letter and supporting documentation to the Dean/Vice President. The Dean/Vice President shall submit these recommendations to the Provost who will, in turn, send them along with his or her recommendation, to the Academic Affairs Committee of the University Senate for consideration. The recommendation of the Academic Affairs Committee shall then be submitted to the Senate, University President and, ultimately, to the Council of Trustees for final approval.
Each nominee for emeritus status must have been a full-time professional employee at Ä¢¹½tv for at least ten years and must have demonstrated effective teaching or managerial/administrative performance. In addition, the nominee must have made a significant contribution while at the University in at least two of the following areas:
- Scholarly growth through research and publications
- Active participation in department/administrative unit activities
- Active participation in university activities
For Teaching Faculty the nomination for Emeritus status must include:
- An updated Curriculum Vitae.
- A nomination letter that addresses how the nominee qualifies for emeritus status.
The nomination letter should refer to specific evidence of the nominee's qualifications. Although the application need not include the materials themselves, evidence such as publications, awards, and acknowledgements of outstanding service should be cited in sufficient detail. - Copies of recent performance reviews (DEC, Department Chair and Dean's Report), including the most recent review.*
*Note: Consent of the nominee is needed for performance reviews.
The nomination for Teaching Faculty may also include:
- Letters of commendations or other special recognition.
- A rebuttal, by the nominee or nominator, to a negative assessment by the department/unit.
- Summary reports of recent student evaluations.**
**Note: Consent of the nominee is needed for student evaluations.
For Administrative Faculty the nomination must include:
- An updated Curriculum Vitae.
- A nomination letter that addresses how the nominee qualifies for emeritus status.
The nomination letter should refer to specific evidence of the nominee's qualifications. Although the application need not include the materials themselves, evidence such as publications, awards, and acknowledgements of outstanding service should be cited in sufficient detail. - Copies of recent performance reviews, including the most recent reviews.*
*Note: Consent of the nominee is needed for performance reviews.
The nomination for Administrative Faculty may also include:
- Letters of commendation or other special recognition.
- A rebuttal, by the nominee or nominator, to a negative assessment by the department/unit.
The Academic Committee reserves the right to request clarification from the department and to request additional information from the nominator and/or nominee.
Nominations for emeritus status, with supporting evidence for the above criteria, should be in the office of the appropriate Dean/Vice President by October 19, who will forward them to the Provost's office by November 2.