University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
16A Leonard Hall

I. Call to Order
Present: Hannibal, Hyde, Lewis, McCombie, Mensch, Metz, Migyanka, Numan, Onwueme, Potts, Sechrist, Turner
Excused: Craig
Absent: Crocker, Krastin, Widdowson
Guests: David Pistole, Gail Wilson from Liberal Studies Committee

II. Approval of Minutes from February 18, 2010 Curriculum Committee Meeting

Minutes approved on a Potts/Lewis motion

III. Co-Chairs Report

Co-chairs reported on a meeting with Provost Intemann, the chair of the Senate, the co-chairs of the Graduate Committee, and two members of the Meet and Discuss Team of APSCUF concerning low-enrolled programs and the provost's action plan for department responses to be reviewed by UWUCC and UWGC, Senate and the Council of Trustees. There are 17 undergraduate programs at Ģtv on the low-enrolled review list, the deadline to get these reports in to the deans is March 19th. The curriculum committees would have to review them so that they could be on the April 20th Senate Agenda. The choices of action are 1) Discontinue, 2) Moratorium, 3) Continuation, 4) Collaboration, or 5) Revision. It was suggested that one person from the committee be point person for one or two of the proposals.

Based on the meeting between Hyde, Diaz-Martin, and Lenze about 201, discussion of curriculum committee approval of cross-listed online courses resulted in a consensus by the committee that when working with objectives from an approved syllabus of record and if it is determined by the committee that they are able to be adequately met online, a cross-listed course can be put through by individual departments, with notification only to the other departments. Approved on a Potts/Turner motion. Hyde and Mensch abstained.

At the end of the meeting it was agreed that the March 16th meeting will be an extended meeting.

IV. Items for Review/Possible Action:
A. Honors College Committee Report:
• No report
B. Liberal Studies Committee Report:
• Approved Liberal Studies portion of the Bachelor of Science in Education- Music The report was received by the committee.

09-40h Liberal Studies Criteria for Oral and Technical Communication was returned at Senate. Wilson/Pistole brought forward changes: class size limited to 25 and three changes to required content –moved to “recommended” content.
Approved on a McCombie/Potts motion. Hyde abstained.

Wilson/Pistole also recommended a revision to all CAC proposals regarding the 50% of content required to be related to the competency. They suggested that this criteria be moved from “required” criteria to “recommended” criteria on each proposal. Changes endorsed on a Lewis/Numan motion.

C. 09-49 LBST 499 Consumer Culture, distance education
Approved on a Potts/Metz motion.
D. 09-50 LBST 499 Climbing Your Family Tree, distance education
Returned on a Hannibal/Potts motion for clarification and greater detail of how objectives will be met online, to address concern about objective one oral history whether technology method should be changed, and also present how a module will appear online.
E. 09-42a HPED 330 Assessment in Physical Education, new course
Provisional approval on a Hannibal/Metz motion pending review of course hours.
F. 09-42b HPED 426 Health Science Instruction, new revision
Provisional approval on a McCombie/Lewis motion pending reception of summary and justification for course changes.
G. 09-42c HPED 209 Motor Behavior, course revision
Provisional approval on a Migyanka/McCombie motion pending reception of summary and justification for course changes.
H. 09-42d HPED 349 Applied Pediatric Exercise Lab, new course
Provisional approval on a Metz/Potts motion pending confirmation of correct hours.
I. 09-42e Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education, program revision
Provisionally approved on a Migyanka/Potts motion pending approval of all courses
J. 09-51a PSYC 389 Psychology of Music, new course
Approved on Hyde/Potts motion.
K. 09-51b PSYC 389 Psychology of Music, distance education
Returned on a Hyde/Potts motion. Match objectives with syllabus of record, remove references to WebCt, add tech requirements for music component and include evaluation method for module.
L. 09-40f Liberal Studies Criteria for First Year Seminar, program proposal
Approved on a Hannibal/Migyanka motion
M. 09-40t Liberal Studies Criteria for Global and Multicultural Awareness, program proposal
Approved on a Lewis/McCombie motion
N. 09-40u Liberal Studies Criteria for Literature, program proposal
Approved on a Metz/Potts motion with minor revisions.
O. 09-40v Liberal Studies Criteria for Dimensions of Wellness, program proposal
Approved on a Hannibal/McCombie motion

Adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Anne Hannibal