I. Call to order
In attendance: Baumler, Deckert, Hyde, Knight, Lewis, McCombie, Metz, Migyanka, Muchtar,
Pistole, Sechrist, Rost Excused: Boser, Potts, Turner Absent: Intemann (Onwueme attended
to represent the Provost) Guest: Dennis Ausel
II. On a Baumler/Knight motion the minutes from the January 18, 2011 meeting were approved.
III. Co-Chairs Report:
A. No report
IV. Liberal Studies Committee Report
A. Minutes of the January 20, 2011 Liberal Studies Committee meeting were distributed.
V. Items for Review/ Possible Action:
A. 10-53 Certificate in Photography and Digital Imaging, new certificate
- Dennis Ausel from Communications Media reported on why they are going for a certificate rather than a minor. One reason that they did not want it as a minor was that would exclude their majors (COMM majors are going to be the bulk of the students taking this
Certificate—although any student may take it). - The department didn't go with a track because they want something printed on the diploma. They believe it will make their students more marketable.
- It needs to be presented in Senate as certificate in an area where a major exists, which does not need to go to the state for approval. It only needs to follow the Ä¢¹½tv approval process.
- On a Deckert/Lewis motion the certificate was approved with Muchtar abstaining.
B. 10-54a JRNL 105 Journalism and Mass Media, distance education
- On a Lewis/Baumler motion the course was approved for distance education.
C. 10-54b JRNL 243 History of the American Press, distance education
- It was suggested that proposers not name a particular learning system in their distance education proposals.
- Suggestions for improving the proposal:
- prerequisite is not correct,
- the section about meeting objectives needs work – how will EACH objective be addressed,
- more detail in how Skype, etc. will be used,
- how are students discussing and analyzing,
- the proposal is missing one of the objectives from the syllabus of record,
- there are typos in the Powerpoint,
- explain how written work will be monitored for academic integrity,
- the Distance Ed. syllabus does not distinguish itself from the syllabus of record,
- expand the module to include readings, assignments, etc.
- On a McCombie/Baumler motion the proposal was returned based on the above feedback.
D. Liberal Studies Revision
- The main discussion centered around how to present the revision to the Senate.
- The next step is to consult with the Rules Committee and the Senate Chair to guide us in how to present this to the Senate.
- Also members were asked to read over the document to see if there were any suggested changes. Pistole will prepare more information about what has and has not been approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lou Metz