CHIN 201 Intermediate Chinese, approved 12-3-13

13-35a course revision, LSC AP-5/2/13 UWUCC App-10/29/13, Senate App-12/3/13

CHIN 201 Intermediate Chinese Course Revision

Finalized - 4/10/19

CHIN 201 Intermediate Chinese

11-23b CHIN 201 (was Intermediate Chinese III)  course revision, course title change, catalog description change

CHIN 102 Elementary Chinese II, approved 12-3-13

13-35b course revision, LSC AP-5/2/13 UWUCC App-10/29/13, Senate App-12/3/13

CHIN 102 Elementary Chinese II Course Revision

Finalized - 4/10/19

CHIN 102 Elementary Chinese II

11-23c course revision, catalog description change UWUCC App-9-27-11, Senate App-11-8-11

CHIN 101 Elementary Chinese I

11-23d course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-9/27/11, Senate App-11/8/11

Remove Reference to FLISET

06-7b catalog description change, UWUCC W-9/20/06

LA 201 Intermediate Latin

90-28h new course

LA 102 Elementary Latin II

90-28g new course

Foreign Languages and International Studies for Elementary Education, approved 2-7-95

94-11 program revision, UWUCC App-11/15/94, Senate App-2/07/95

Foreign Languages and International Studies for Elementary Education (found in 1988 archives)

88-19a program revision

FNLG 121 Humanities Literature, distance education

06-52 UWUCC App-4/17/07, Senate Info.-5/1/07

FL 121 Introduction to Literature

1989 archives, new course, LS designation for Humanities: Literature

FL 121 Humanities Literature, approved 2-2-93

92-18 title change(was FL 121 Introduction to Literature), UWUCC App-12/07/92, Senate App-2/02/93

ENGL-FNLG 121 Humanities Literature

11-137a course revision, course title change, UWUCC App-4/19/12, Senate App-5/1/12

EDUC 453 Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Secondary School, approved 5-7-02

01-45a was Teaching Foreign Languages in the Elementary/Secondary School, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/23/02, Senate App-5/7/02

EDUC 453 Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Secondary School, approved 4-28-09

08-57 course revision, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/28/09

ED 453 Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Elementary-Secondary Schools

88-15 title change (was Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Secondary School)

Critical Language Program

99-42 catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/12/99, Senate App-2/01/00

Certificate in Foreign Language Concentrating in One of the Following: Chinese, French, German, Japanese or Spanish, approved 10-6-15

15-34 new certificate, UWUCC AP-9/15/15, Senate App-10/6/15

Charles McCreary, French, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 2-24-00

LSC# 194 Includes syllabus FR 362 Development of French Culture and Literature

Foster T. Jones, French, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 11-5-92

LSC# 122 Includes syllabus for FRNC 463 Studies in French Culture & Civilization

Anita Henry, French, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 9-10-98

LSC #184, approved 9-10-98, includes syllabus of record FR 301 Portraits of Women in the French Novel

Ä¢¹½tv Course Credit for Acquired Proficiency, approved 3-31-15

14-143a program revision, Provost App-3/5/15, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15

French Minor, approved 5-4-99

98-1d program revision, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

French Minor, approved 5-1-12

11-141a program revision, UWUCC App-4/10/12, Senate App-5/1/12

French Language Course

91-11 approved 5-06-91

French for Elementary Education Track

98-1e program deletion, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

French - College Language Requirement

11-82a catalog description change, UWUCC AP-2/14/12, Senate App-3/20/12

BSED K-12 French Education, approved 4-1-97

96-60 program revision, UWUCC App-3/18/97, Senate App-4/1/97

BSED K-12 French Education, approved 5-4-99

98-1c program revision, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

BSED K-12 French Education, approved 4-29-03

02-115a program revision, UWUCC App-4/22/03, Senate App-4/29/03 

BSED K-12 French Education, approved 3-25-08

07-39 program revision, UWUCC AP-2/14/08, UWUCC App-3/25/08

BSED K-12 French Education, approved 3-20-12

11-82b program revision, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-3/20/12

BSED K-12 French Education, approved 5-1-12

 11-163 program revision, UWUCC App-4/24/12, Senate App-5/1/12

BA French, approved 5-4-99

98-1a program revision, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

BA French, approved 4-1-03

02-63a program revision, UWUCC App-2/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03

BA French for International Trade, approved 3-2-99

98-8 program revision, UWUCC App-1/26/99, Senate App-3/02/99

BA French for International Trade, approved 5-4-99

98-1b program revision, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

BA French for International Trade, approved 4-1-03

02-63b program revision, UWUCC App-2/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03

FR 463 Studies in French Culture and Civilization

98-1s new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FR 462 Studies in French Language and Linguistics

98-1r new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FR 460 Studies in French Literature

98-1q new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FR 441 Advanced French Grammar

98-1p new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FR 432 French Phonetics and Phonology

98-1o new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FR 431 Advanced French Conversation

98-1n new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FR390-GM390 Teaching Elementary School Content in French and German

99-50 new course, UWUCC App-4/18/00, Senate App-5/02/00

FR 376 Literature from 18th through 20th Century

98-1m new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FR 375 French Literature from Medieval through 17th Century

98-1l new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FR 373 French Civilization

99-1k new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FRNC 373 French Civilization, approved 3-31-15

14-143g course deletion, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15

FR 370 Introduction to French Literature

98-1j new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FR 354 Business French

88-7b new course

FR 353 Intermediate French Composition

98-1i new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FRNC 353 Intermediate French Composition, approved 3-31-15

14-143f course deletion, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15

FR 341 French Grammar

98-1h new course, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FRNC 341 French Grammar, approved 3-31-15

14-143e course deletion, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15

FR 331 Intermediate French Conversation

98-1g new course, UWUCC App- 4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FRNC 331 Intermediate French Conversation, approved 3-31-15

14-143d course deletion, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15

FR 301 Cloisters and Brothels-Portraits of Women in the French Novel

88-27a liberal studies approved

FRNC 281 Provence, Je t'aime, distance education

13-81 distance education, UWUCC Ap-10/1/13, Senate Info-11/5/13

FR 261 West Africa in Literature (found in 1988 archive)

88-27c new course, liberal studies approval

FR 261 West Africa in Literature

90-28 new course, liberal studies approved-1/19/89

FR 254 Civilization of Modern France

88-7a title change (was FR 254 Business French)

FRNC 254 Civilization of Modern France, approved 10-6-15

15-57 course deletion, UWUCC App-9/22/15, Senate App-10/6/15

FR 221, FR 222, FR 255, FR 321, FR 322, FR 351, FR 352, FR 361, FR 362, FR 363, FR 365, FR 366, FR 367, FR 368, FR 371, FR 372

98-1f course deletions, UWUCC App-4/20/99, Senate App-5/04/99

FRNC 230 Intermediate French Composition and Grammar, approved 10-7-14

14-46 new course, UWUCC AP-9/2/14, Senate App-10/7/14

FRNC 220 Intermediate French Conversation, approved 4-29-14

13-132a new course, LSC AP-2/20/14, UWUCC App-4/22/14, Senate App-4/29/14

FR 203 College French Accelerated

91-11 number and title change (was FR 251/252 Intermediate French Accelerated), catalog description change, course revision

FRNC 203 Accelerated College French, approved 12-2-14

14-92 remove Liberal Studies designation-LSE, LSC App-10/9/14, UWUCC App-10/28/14, Senate App-12/2/14

FRNC 203 Accelerated College French, approved 11-3-15

15-59b course deletion, UWUCC App-10/20/15, Senate App-11/3/15

FR 202 College French II

91-11 new course, approved-5/06/91

FRNC 202 Intermediate French II

09-31c course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-3/25/10, Senate App-4/20/10

FRNC 202 Intermediate French II, approved 3-31-15

14-143c course deletion, UWUCC App-3/17/15, Senate App-3/31/15

FR 201 College French I

91-11 new course, approved-5/6/91

FRNC 201 Intermediate French I

09-31d course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-3/25/10, App-4/20/10

FRNC 201 Intermediate French

11-74c course revision, catalog description change, course title change (was Intermediate French I), UWUCC AP-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12

FRNC 201 Intermediate French, approved 12-3-13

13-32a course revision, LSC AP-5/2/13 UWUCC App-10/29/13, Senate App-12/3/13

FR 151 Elementary French I, FR 152 Elementary French II

LS-32 LSC-Withdrawn 1-11-89

FR-SP 121 Introduction to Literature

88-27b liberal studies approval, new course

FRNC 102 Basic French II, approved 4-20-10

09-31a new course, UWUCC AP-3/25/10, Senate App-4/20/10

FRNC 102 Basic French II, approved 3-20-12

11-74b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-3/20/12

FRNC 102 Basic French II, approved 12-3-13

13-32b course revision, LSC AP-5/2/13 UWUCC App-10/29/13, Senate App-12/3/13

FRNC 101 Basic French I, approved 4-20-10

09-31b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-3/25/10, Senate App-4/20/10

FRNC 101 Basic French I, approved 3-20-12

11-74d course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App- 2-28-12, Senate App-3-20-12