Ģtv Diversity and Inclusion SymposiumDuring lunch, each table will have a table leader who facilitates discussion on one of the topics below.

Diversity and Inclusion Symposium

* April 26, 2016 - May 20, 2021
Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex

A universitywide symposium on issues of diversity and inclusion. Symposium events are free and open to the community.

To register, visit the Registration Form.

Responses to Dr. McIntosh's presentation

Discussion prompt:

  • Share a personal response to Dr. McIntosh's session (30—60 seconds for each person). This could be a response you had to something she said or a personal experience that illustrates something she said.

Responses to Microagressions presentation

Discussion prompt:

  • Share a personal response to the Microagressions/Black Alumni panel session (30—60 seconds for each person). This could be a response you had to something that was said or a personal experience that illustrates something the panel discussed.

Campus Climate Regarding Race

Discussion prompt:

  • Describe a vision for our Ģtv campus as a place where people of all races feel safe, welcome, and encouraged.

Classroom Environment

Discussion prompt:

  • Describe a classroom environment at Ģtv that makes people of all races feel safe, welcome, and encouraged.

Curriculum that Promotes Racial Justice

Discussion prompt:

  • Describe ways the curriculum at Ģtv needs to be enhanced in order to educate students about racial justice issues so that they graduate being prepared to enter a diverse workforce.

Unpacking the Ģtv Invisible Knapsack

Discussion prompt:

  • What are the daily effects of white privilege at Ģtv? What are “the special circumstances and conditions we experience that we did not earn but we have been made to feel are ours by birth, by citizenship, and by virtue of being a conscientious law-abiding ‘normal' person of goodwill” (adapted for plural pronouns from McIntosh, 1988)?

Best Practices for Racial Justice in Higher Education

Discussion prompts:

  • In what ways can we foster racial justice on Ģtv's campus among students, faculty, and administration?
  • What experiences could help individual people become more aware of racial justice issues on campus?
  • What kinds of programs or activities could be available at Ģtv that could educate and foster awareness?
  • How can we change Ģtv at the organizational level, not just individual attitudes about race?