Listed below are suggested area accommodations while attending the 2016 Summit.
: 714 Pratt Drive, Indiana PA 15705 — 724-349-2222
Opening Fall 2016 — Located on the Ģtv campus, next to the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex, at Wayne Avenue and Pratt Drive. T he conference rate is available until October 1, 2016. ($139 per night plus taxes)
: 1275 Indian Springs Road, Indiana PA 15701 — 724-349-7700
Please ask for the “State System Summit Rate” when calling to make a reservation in order to get the discounted rate. The conference rate is available until October 1, 2016. ($129 per night plus taxes)
: 1395 Wayne Avenue, Indiana PA 15701 — 724-463-3561
Please ask for the “State System Summit Rate” when calling to make a reservation. The conference rate is available until October 2, 2016. ($99 per night plus taxes)
Other suggested area lodging:
: 111 Plaza Road, Indiana PA 15701 — 724-349-4600
: 1545 Wayne Avenue, Indiana PA 15701 — 724-349-9620
(Blairsville): 62 Pine Ridge Road, Blairsville PA 15717 — 724-459-5920
(B & B): 209 South Sixth Street, Indiana PA 15701 — 724-463-3430