"The Ä¢¹½tv PhD program was a godsend: affordable, great faculty support, and friendly students and staff."
Cynthia Bradley-Pugh, PhD


Resources for Prospective Students

  • ALS Program Brochure
  • ALS Program Overview
  • To apply, please visit the Graduate Admissions website
  • Graduate Assistantships: The ALS program has a very limited number of graduate assistantship (GA) positions available. Assistantships are awarded competitively for one year, with opportunity for funding for a second year. The assistantship covers tuition and a small stipend and requires 20 hours per week of work. Assignments may involve assistance to faculty members in administration, research, and/or teaching activities. Assistantship applications are available at the Graduate School, with a submission deadline of March 15.

Resources for Current Students