Federal Tuition Assistance Information

Army Reservists 99th Regional Readiness Command

This page is intended to offer general guidance in requesting your military benefits. Specific questions related to your situation should be directed to your unit of the 99th Regional Command. Be advised these procedures may be modified without notice. Reservists should contact their Readiness NCO for specific application requirements.

You should apply for Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) two to three weeks prior to the first day of classes.

Steps to Apply for FTA

  1. Obtain printouts of your costs of classes and also your student schedule.
    • The cost of classes can be obtained in Clark Hall at the Student Billing Office. Ask for a printout.
    • Your schedule must be printed out in Student Detail form (found on MyÄ¢¹½tv). Make sure it is the semester you are applying for.
  2. Go online at .
    • You must input your list of classes, schedule, and costs.
    • The cost covers tuition only.
  3. Print both the Statement of Understanding (for that year) and also the 2171 FTA form (DA Form 2171). You must sign both after printing them out.
  4. Take the hard copy to your unit for the proper signatures. Fax the signed copy along with your registration and degree plan (if attending nine or more credits) to the 99th Regional Readiness, or email to rrc099education@usar.army.mil. Your readiness NCO should fax it at the unit after the signatures are made.
    • If you have any questions, please contact the 99th RRC at 800-567-9518.
  5. After submitting this information online and sending your signed 2171 form, statement of understanding, costs, and schedule to the 99th Regional Readiness, check your AKO email account for updates. If you have not received an email regarding your request within two weeks of submission, contact your readiness NCO.
  6. If approved, you will receive approved copies of your 2171 in your AKO account. Please print these copies and turn in to the Student Billing Office in Clark Hall.
    • Fax #: 724-357-5578. Email electronically: student-billing@iup.edu
    • If you drop your classes or change the schedule, contact your readiness NCO.
    • Payments take approximately eight weeks for processing.

After Ä¢¹½tv receives your FTA funds, they will be credited to your Ä¢¹½tv billing account. Please make sure you have a valid mailing address in to receive a paper check, or complete your direct deposit information in MyÄ¢¹½tv to have your refund automatically deposited into your bank account.

In the current MyÄ¢¹½tv portal, my.iup.edu:

  1. Sign in to and click on Finances.
  2. Select Student Services. 
  3. Click on Billing and Fees, then select Register for Direct Deposit.

In the new MyÄ¢¹½tv portal:

  1. Log in to . Go to Discover and search for "refunds."
  2. On the Tuition, Aid, and Finances card, click on Registration for direct deposit of financial aid refunds, then select Accounts Payable Deposit.

Please be sure to submit your semester grades to the 99th RRC after the semester is completed.