Dear Ä¢¹½tv Students,

As you know from messaging sent Sunday evening, there was a reported robbery near Miller Stadium. The suspect was immediately apprehended and continues to be in custody.

The police report about the incident is posted on the Ä¢¹½tv website.

We understand that events of violence and crime are frightening and upsetting, and cause feelings of anger, worry and anxiety.

Please know that we are here for you.

If you have an immediate need for mental health support, you can call 9-1-1 or the Indiana/Armstrong Mental Health Crisis line 1-877-333-2470 for help (the Crisis line is staffed 24 hours a day/7 days a week). 

During the week, the Ä¢¹½tv Counseling Center is available by calling 724- 357-2621 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Walk-in hours at the Center, located in G-18, Suites on Maple East, are Monday through Friday from 1 to 3 p.m.

There is an open support group event at the Center every Tuesday at 4 p.m.; it is open to all students.

You can also contact your Navigator or a member of Ä¢¹½tv’s Care Team of professionals. The Care Team works together to offer appropriate support to students in distress. 

Please continue to help one another by sharing these available resources with friends or classmates who come to you with concerns.

Because your safety and security are our priority, we want you to be informed if there is a dangerous situation on campus or in the community. 

Action Requested. To help us provide this information to you in a timely fashion, please make sure you are enrolled in the University’s emergency messaging system, Everbridge.

It is fast and easy to sign up; information on how to register is on the Emergency Notification System page. For your convenience, instructions also are below:To register – or to make sure you are registered, please follow the steps below:

  •  using your Ä¢¹½tv network account (Duo authentication will be required.)
  • From the Personal Info page, click Emergency notification system registration and updates. That will open your Everbridge member profile. 
  • To edit the information, click Edit located in the top right of the My Profile section.
You can update both your primary and alternate cell and home phone numbers and alternate email. Your Ä¢¹½tv email address is already part of your profile; you do not need to enter your email address.
  • Click Save at the bottom to save the changes. 
    • The Everbridge system also offers an free app for both  and  users as an additional way to update your information. 
    • Users of the app will receive an additional push notification from the app when emergency notifications are sent (you will need to choose “allow push notification” when you download the app).
    • Even if you do not allow push notifications from the app, during an emergency you will still receive an email message. 
    • You will also receive a text message, but you must update that information in your profile.
  • Once you have downloaded the app, click Find an organization or subscription and search for Ä¢¹½tv or Ä¢¹½tv. Select "Ä¢¹½tv: Ä¢¹½tv.”
  • You will be prompted to log in to Ä¢¹½tv Web Single Sign-On. Once you have completed the sign-in, the app will load.
  • Click Manage My Profile to update your information.

Depending on the situation, you may also receive a phone call to your cellphone with the emergency message. Emergency messaging may also be displayed on university computers and be sent to university work telephones.

Parents, family members, and community members who wish to receive emergency messages are welcome to do so. Anyone wishing to be added to the system should text “iupalert” to 888777 to receive text messages during emergency situations.

While preventing violence has no simple solution, there are steps that you can take to help to protect yourself and our community. One of the most simple and important actions you can take is to call Ä¢¹½tv Police (724-357-2141) or 9-1-1 at the first sign of trouble.

You can add the University Police phone number to your call list so it’s easy and quick to reach them. Tips also can be reported anonymously at 724-357-2255.

I also encourage you to review the proactive crime prevention tips available on the Ä¢¹½tv website

I want you to know that I share your anxiety, fear, and uncertainty that results when violence like this comes to our community. You are not alone in these feelings. I continue to be encouraged and proud of the way you care and support one another.

While we may face situations like this in the future, I know we will get through them together.


Dr. Segar