The following message was sent to all students on Thursday, August 22, 2024.
Please be advised that full parking enforcement on campus will resume for the fall semester beginning on Monday, August 26. All vehicles need to be registered with their appropriate designation (Faculty, Staff, Commuter, Long Term).
All vehicles are required to park head-in with the license plate facing the drive lane. If you wish to regularly back into a parking space, contact Parking Services regarding the purchase of an Ä¢¹½tv-branded novelty plate that you can install on the front of your vehicle.
New This Semester
Additional commuter spaces have been added in the HUB parking lot and the Stadium North parking lot. Previously, these were “Pay By Plate” spaces. The new commuter spaces are indicated with white lines.
Regardless of your registered permit designation, if you park in the yellow “Pay By Plate” spaces, you must pay $0.25 for 25 minutes at the kiosk or using the Passport Parking mobile app.
The pay machines in paid parking lots have been configured to use license plates for payment. All yellow-lined spaces are Pay by Plate, unless marked as "reserved." When parking in paid lots, it is necessary to enter the license plate number of the vehicle into the parking machines located at each pay-by-plate kiosk. All vehicles using these pay lots are required to park head-in, with the license plate facing the drive lane. Out-of-state vehicles, however, with a front license plate, are permitted to back into a space, as they will still have a license plate facing the drive lane.
Many campus parking lots do not allow overnight parking, especially those next to residence halls. These lots include:
- Clark Lot
- Eberly East lot
- Eleventh Street Lot
- Folger Lot
- Foster Lot
- Hub Lot
- Keith Lot
- Parking Garage Spaces 315–425
- Pratt Dr. (Maple to Grant St.)
- Reschini Lot
- Stadium North Lot A
- Stadium North PBS Parking Lot B
- Stadium North Parking Lot C
- Stadium South Lot
- Wallwork Suites North
- Wallwork Suites South
- Washington St. Lot
- Whitmyre Lot
If your vehicle is located in any of the lots above, you may be liable for a citation for no overnight parking.
The following parking lots are authorized for overnight parking, including 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
- Both Stright Lots
- R & P Lot
- Stouffer Lot
- Zink Lot
If you would like additional information or have parking-related questions, including requests for professional visitor permits, please contact Parking and Transportation Services Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. at 724-357-8748 or