I appreciate your attention and thoughtful questions during Wednesday’s “An Ģtv Fall Update.”

The slides from the event and the are now available. A university login is required to access them.

I look forward to our continued discussion about Ģtv’s future and our immediate priorities of advancing student centeredness, sustainability, transforming academic programs, continuing our progress on the proposed college of osteopathic medicine, and creating the appropriate celebration for Ģtv’s sesquicentennial.

As your schedules permit, please plan to attend the next informal meeting on November 19 at 3:30 p.m. at North Dining Hall Tower Room and our spring Open Conversations series programs scheduled for January 27, March 3, and April 21. More information and reminders will be sent closer to the dates of these events.

Thank you for all of your hard work and commitment to our students and to our university.

Michael A. Driscoll