Welcome back. I hope the break provided you with a well-deserved rest and time with family and friends.

As you know from an earlier email from Provost Luetkehans, daytime classes—any class that has a scheduled start between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.—are canceled on January 28 to provide an opportunity for faculty and staff to be part of an all-employee event, “Shaping Tomorrow: Detailing Ä¢¹½tv’s Future.” This is part of our ongoing work to create a more student-focused university. A number of student leaders will be participating in this event to represent you in these discussions, and we will be inviting your feedback via technology throughout the semester in a variety of ways.

In addition to our initiatives to gather your feedback related to our January 28 discussion, all students are invited to attend our Conversation Series and our informal gatherings during the spring semester.

Please come to these events with your questions, comments, and suggestions.

The Conversation Series events will be held in the Blue Room on the first floor of Sutton Hall during the Common Hour (11:20 a.m.–12:15 p.m.).

These programs will be live-streamed for those who cannot attend and made available on the website after the events.

Conversation Series

Conversation with President Driscoll — Monday, February 24

Updates on Academic Affairs Initiatives with Provost Luetkehans — Monday, March 3

A Financial Conversation with Vice President Fitzsimons — Monday, April 21

Informal Gatherings Series

The informal gatherings will take place in different locations from 11:00 a.m. to noon to accommodate as many people as possible; each will include members of the president’s cabinet. 
I will join these meetings as my schedule permits.

These events will not have a focused topic since the goal is to listen to you: to answer your questions, to provide the information that you need to do your work and to create a more student-centered university, and to allow you time to meet with us and with one another. 

These events are in-person only.

Tuesday, February 11 — Stabley Library Room 101

Tuesday, March 25 — Fairman Centre, Room 102 (131 South Findley St., Punxsutawney)

Tuesday, April 15 — Hadley Union Building Conemaugh Room

Additional reminders for these events will be sent closer to the dates of the programs.

Ä¢¹½tv is an exciting place to be. While we all have busy schedules, I encourage you to use our university communication channels to stay up to date on campus events that may be of interest: 

Ä¢¹½tv Now web page—updated daily, includes important news, events, and achievements across the university.

Ä¢¹½tv Now newsletter—our official news email sent on Wednesdays with top news.

The Pathfinder—Ä¢¹½tv student news email is sent on Fridays to better inform and involve students in events.

Ä¢¹½tv Weekly Roundup—10 to 15 campus events are promoted each Monday on channel.

Thank you for your participation in the Conversations Series and the informal meetings. Your thoughtful questions and comments have been valuable as we create a stronger university and renewed focus on student success.

Best wishes for a productive and enjoyable spring semester.

Michael A. Driscoll