Excellence in Progress Leadership Conference
Register for UBORA Men of Ä¢¹½tv's Excellence in Progress Leadership Conference, coming up on Saturday, April 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The Office of Service Learning promotes excellence in professional and personal character development through experiential learning opportunities that bridge the curriculum with community service.
Through the Office of Service Learning, students who have been awarded Federal Work-Study money and remain in good academic standing may be placed at a human service agency in order to earn their Federal Work-Study award. The office maintains direct contact with CSLFWS students throughout their term of employment, and those students are encouraged to share any comments or concerns with their agency supervisor. This enables the office to assure the highest possible quality experience to all students.
For additional details about the CSLFWS program, contact the Office of Service Learning at service-learning@iup.edu or call 724-357-2598.
A cohesive list of links to our events and programs pages that contain information, descriptions, and how to sign up and get involved!
Community Service Learning Federal Work Study ProgramA federally funded work program which provides employment opportunities at nonprofit agencies in the Indiana area to eligible undergraduate and graduate students.
Volunteer ServicesGet inspired to volunteer, view current opportunities, and submit new ones!