Ä¢¹½tv veterans and military-affiliated students: While the Military and Veterans Resource Center offices are closed during the coronavirus outbreak, Director Cory Shay is working remotely to continue providing you with support, address your concerns, and work with the VA on GI Bill benefits and certifications. You can email Director Shay at cshay@iup; or, if you need to speak by phone, call one of the two MVRC numbers at 724-357-3008 or 724-357-3009.
One of the concerns many of you have is with your GI Bill benefits. On March 21, 2020, the President signed into law an emergency fix for the GI Bill. What this means is that your benefits will not be impacted with Ä¢¹½tv's move to online learning. If your classes were originally intended be in-person, but were moved to online, the classes will still count as resident for the VA. This law will not expire until December 31, 2020.
For those in the National Guard and Army reserves, if you are activated during the Coronavirus outbreak, please be safe during your service. If you are called to active duty, the MVRC is here to assist you and work with the Academic Success Center to process any military withdraws or to answer any concerns you might have.
If you have paperwork that needs to be turned into MVRC, please do not fax or mail. Please scan/ take a picture/ etc. and email the paperwork to Director Shay at cshay@iup.edu.
Once you have registered for summer and fall classes, please fill out the online Certification Request Form.
Do not wait to fill out the form. Expect that, due to the coronavirus, there may be delays in the processing of future claims with the VA.
Please be safe, and know that during this time of crisis, the MVRC and Ä¢¹½tv are still here to support you.