Where's Ä¢¹½tv Pittsburgh East?

Ä¢¹½tv Pittsburgh East is located at 400 Penn Center Blvd., Building 4, Suite 900, Pittsburgh, PA 15235. The phone number is 412-824-1999.

From the East

  1. Take William Penn Hwy/US-22 Business Route West 2.8 miles past the Pennsylvania Turnpike entrance/exit.
  2. Turn left onto Kingston Drive in Wilkins Township.
  3. At the stop sign, turn right.
  4. At next stop sign, turn left.
  5. Building 4 is on the right.

From Pittsburgh and West

  1. Take Route I-376 East.
  2. Take the US-22 Business Route exit, Exit 80 toward Monroeville.
  3. Stay straight on US-22 Bus East for 1.4 miles.
  4. Turn right onto Penn Center Blvd.
  5. Take first left into the Penn Center East complex.
  6. At the first stop sign, make a right, then go straight.
  7. Building 4 is on the right.

You can also find Ä¢¹½tv Pittsburgh East .