Anthropology faculty and students are conducting many anthropological and archaeological research projects as part of their academic program work and through Ä¢¹½tv Archaeological Services.

We work in locations throughout western Pennsylvania, the United States, and the world. A small sampling of our projects:

Research Projects

South Mountain Metarhyolite 1 South Mountain Metarhyolite

Geochemical and archaeological analysis of pre-contact quarries within the South Mountain landscape.

Ethnographic Research Eritrean Refugees Ethnographic Research on Refugee Policy, State Making, and the Care of Eritrean Refugee Youth in Ethiopia

Ethnographic research project on refugee policy and the care of refugee youth in Ethiopia.

Dig by Ä¢¹½tv Archaeological Services Ä¢¹½tv Archaeological Services

More than $15 million in projects and technical assistance to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, National Park Service, and dozens of other agencies.

MSADPL technology in Cyprus Mobile Spatial Data Acquisition and Processing Lab Geophysical Technologies

Instrumentation for advanced geophysical and geospatial mapping in faculty and student research obtained through funding from PASSHE and the National Science Foundation.

Hanna's Town Redware Mug Historic Hanna's Town, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania

Excavations, artifact analysis, historical research, and digital archaeology to reconstruct 18th-century life on the Pennsylvania frontier.

Bronze Axe2Early Metallurgy in Asia

Investigation of early metallurgy in southeast China and northern Vietnam during the period 1200-600 BCE.

Squirrel Hill Excavation Excavations at the Late Monongahela Squirrel Hill Site

Excavations, geophysical investigations, and artifact analysis of a pre-contact Native American village.

Newport field school students Newport Village

Archaeological and historical investigation of a late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century river town. Newport village formed an important connection between early roads and river transportation networks on the Pennsylvania frontier. Ä¢¹½tv holds regular field schools at the site.

Fort Necessity Fort Necessity National Battlefield

National Park Service and Cooperative Ecosystem Study Unit funded research at Fort Necessity National Battlefield. Research includes archaeological excavations, geophysical investigations, shovel test pit surveys, metal detector surveys, artifact analysis, and historical research.

Animal Bones Faunal Database Preservation and Accessibility

National Science Foundation-funded research to preserve and integrate existing data on the use of animals during the Archaic Period (ca. 10,000-3,000 BP) intDAR (the Digital Archaeological Record).

Core Sampling LouisianaGeoarchaeology at the Raffman Mound Center, Madison Parish, Louisiana

Geologic research to study the timing and pacing of mound construction at the Coles Creek period (ca. A.D. 700-1200) Raffman Mound Center as well as investigating possible environmental factors contributing to the site's abandonment.

Public archaeology Public Archaeology

Partnering with the Pennsylvania Archaeological Council, the Ellis School in Pittsburgh, and other groups to introduce archaeology methods to elementary, middle, and high school students throughout the state.