certificate trajectory graphic

The above graphic depicts the trajectory students take while working their way through the certificate program. Students have the choice of pursuing the following themes:

Law and Government

Mind, Body, and Health

Management, Information, and Organization

Science, and the Environment

These were designed to meet the needs of all students across the campus community. Within each theme, students will take classes tailored to their individual needs that will better position them to respond to the ever-changing demands of the world and marketplace. The themes will provide students with a transformative understanding of the global, social, cultural, and ultimately human dimensions that impact all disciplines, including those in health and human services, technology, science, business, and government.

Big Ideas is a certificate designed for our preprofessional and STEM students. However, all Ä¢¹½tv students are warmly welcomed. Big Ideas guides them through many of their required and elective liberal studies courses in ways that serve their career goals, while at the same time providing them with the mindset and skills of the humanities and the liberal arts. These are not special classes or hard-to-schedule special sections, but existing classes drawing upon existing expertise. 

A genuine engagement with the tough questions and “big ideas” that the humanities and liberal arts raise—the role of government, the power of words and symbols, the responsibility of individuals for the welfare of others—gives students a broad understanding of the world and of themselves. The humanities and liberal arts strengthen their abilities to read closely, write clearly, speak with confidence, and work with those who have different viewpoints and perspectives. Big Ideas enhances our students’ career prospects and professional growth.