Accounting MajorNicole Miller

"Ä¢¹½tv has really given me the opportunity to be successful in school and also in my future career. I was able to build strong relationships with teammates, students, and professors that have helped me along the way. I already have a job before graduating and I can thank Ä¢¹½tv and all of my experiences for leading me down the career path that best fits me. I have learned so many skills here that are needed in my life after college. Because of this, I know I will be successful in the years to come."

I am from South Park, Pennsylvania, which is about 13 miles south of Pittsburgh. I have played soccer since the age of four so I originally was searching for a school where I could continue playing at the collegiate level.

I was contacted by Coach Heder of the Ä¢¹½tv women's soccer team and came to Ä¢¹½tv for an official visit and tour. I instantly fell in love with Ä¢¹½tv's campus. The Oak Grove is beautiful. The dorm rooms are like living in a luxury hotel. Eberly College was so modern to me. I chose an accounting career path. Ä¢¹½tv ended up being the perfect choice for me and I have no regrets about my decision.

On the day of orientation I had to schedule my fall classes in the Eberly computer lab. As my Dad and I walked down the hall and we made a joke that I would be on the wall one day with my picture, so the day I received the email with an invitation to apply to be in the Eberly Student Gallery the first thing I did was call my Dad. It might sound clich, but it was a goal that I set for myself freshman year, and I am really glad I got to this point in my senior year.

I have been involved with the Ä¢¹½tv Women's Soccer team for four years. I have put so much time and effort into this activity that I think it is right for it to be featured in the Student Gallery.

Playing soccer has taught me so many things over the years. One of these things involves it being a team sport. I have learned in many of my business classes that I will be working with teams my whole life, especially with what I do in accounting as an auditor. Well, because of soccer I have an advantage. I have done nothing but been on a team my entire life. This sport truly proves a point that you may not be able to succeed and win without the support and effort of your teammates.

Being on the soccer team also means I give up most of my hours in the week for practicing, traveling, and competing in games. With that being said, soccer has benefited me in learning time management skills. It is already tough to make up work when you're missing one class, but what about three or four? I have to schedule my time accordingly to make sure everything gets done.

I must say that my communication skills have increased tremendously with playing soccer, too. Not only do I have to communicate frequently with my professors to make sure I am getting all my work that I missed done, but being on the field requires mass amounts of communication. It is very important to know where the ball and all other players are at all times. My communication skills have benefitted this organization in that my coach trusts me to lead the team. I was made Captain in my Junior and Senior years, which gave me the opportunity for the girls to look to me for leadership.

I have made lifelong friends on the team, as well. Through all my networking I was able to build a wide array of relationships in and out of soccer. All of these life skills I have learned with this sport have made me into a person who now has a successful career ahead of her. I used all of these skills in job interviews and networking events, and I now have a job because of it. I hope I am someone to look up to on my soccer team for other girls to follow in my footsteps, and I know I will be giving back to the organization for many years to come.

I made many more relationships through the Student Accounting Association (SAA). Through this club I was able to find my future job. I will be working at Ernst & Young in the fall after I graduate. All because I met a recruiter at the job fair that the SAA and Ä¢¹½tv set up. I have a lot of gratitude towards Ä¢¹½tv for helping me succeed.