Mission of Organization
The mission of the Ä¢¹½tv shall be to further interest in the field of Accounting through educational meetings on options within the industry, to unite all Ä¢¹½tv students studying accounting and those interested in learning about the profession, and to provide students with the opportunity to network with potential employers.
How to Join
The SAA accepts all business majors and all university students who share enthusiasm and passion for the field of accounting. Membership in the organization shall be open throughout the year, and the first step to join is to attend and sign in at a meeting. To ultimately become a member, interested students must earn five membership points.
How to Earn Membership Points
Active membership in the SAA is not based on paying membership dues but on earning membership points. Once a student earns five points, they become an active member for the current semester. To maintain membership in the SAA, students must continue to earn five points every semester. Points can be earned by attending the meetings and events.
Role | Name | |
Advisor | Geoffrey Tickell | gtickell@iup.edu |
President | Caroline Bianco | svycc@iup.edu |
Senior Vice President | Joseph Albanese | kbjdc@iup.edu |
Vice President | Ethan Black | xywcc@iup.edu |
Vice President of Finance | Bonnie Lin Xu | txbdc@iup.edu |

Member Quotes about the Value of the Organization
"The SAA gave me connections that have helped me foster an incredible professional network that had already helped me in securing my first professional opportunity."
Samantha Adams, SAA Career Day Chair 2019
"Joining the SAA has had an extremely positive impact on my success as an accounting major. To me, the greatest benefit of joining the SAA is gaining an unparalleled number of opportunities to connect with accounting professionals every single semester. The relationship that I have been able to build by participating in the SAA have played a direct role in ensuring that I have a job lined up as soon as I graduate."
Matthew DeCesare, SAA President 2019