
PhD Communications and Information
MA International Affairs
BA English Education

Muchtar BioBackground

Nurhaya Muchtar is a professor in the Department of Communications Media. Her fields of interest are global media and journalism. Professor Muchtar teaches both undergraduate and graduate classes. Her teaching and research center on global media, journalism, and multimedia production. She currently serves as a faculty advisor for Ä¢¹½tv News.

Professor Muchtar has published papers in Journalism Practice, Journalism Studies, International Communication Gazette, and Journal of Religion and Popular Culture as well as published books about global journalism and journalism in Indonesia.

Prior to her tenure years, professor Muchtar worked for a number of international organizations for development initiative projects in Indonesia and East Timor that included media training as well as peace reporting during conflicts. She also worked as a freelance news assistant for a number of news organizations such as the Associated Press, Swedish TV, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. She also worked for Voice of America in Washington, DC, assisting in radio and television news.

Currently, professor Muchtar has been one of the principal investigators with the Worlds of Journalism Study, an organization based in Munich, Germany, representing journalism and communication professors from about 120 countries. She is also the chair of the academic organization Asian Society of International Relations and Public Affairs (ASIRPA), with primary activities in holding an annual conference as well as an online journal.