Ä¢¹½tv held the National Security Administration/National Science Foundation-sponsored GenCyber summer camp in Pennsylvania in June 2019. 50 students participated in this camp and learned valuable lessons in cybersecurity practices. The camp addressed essential security concepts through hands-on activities, challenging projects, and guest lectures by leaders of industry.

Below are participation advantages, camp materials, and information related to curriculum and modules. Please visit the current Ä¢¹½tv GenCyber page for information on current programs.

Camp Documents and Photos

Flyer | Brochure | Schedule | Photo Gallery

Student Camp (Middle and High School Students)

  • Camp Dates: June 24-28, 2019
  • Camp's focus was on the fundamentals of cybersecurity and safe online behavior.

Participation Advantages

  1. The camp was offered at no cost to participants.
  2. A Droid Inventor Kit was awarded to each participant.
  3. Free lunch and afternoon snacks were provided.
  4. Instructions and mentorship from Ä¢¹½tv faculty and other security experts.
  5. Participants gained valuable knowledge and skills that prepare them to pursue a very promising and growing career field.

Guest Speakers