Please download and complete the appropriate form (below), and return it to Disability Access and Advising (D2A2). If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our office at 724-357-4067 or
When receiving a request for services, we will make every effort to expedite a response, but due to the current volume, response time may run from one to two weeks.
Declaration of Disability form
Ä¢¹½tv does not discriminate based on race or ethnicity, gender identity, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability in any of its educational programs or activities. We provide services commensurate with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Register with this office even if you are working with Blind and Visual Services, the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, or the Labyrinth program already, as we will work together to provide you with support services, as we are the designated department to provide Ä¢¹½tv disability-related accommodations. Please download and complete this form, save it under a new name, and email it to us at
Declaracin de Discapacida formar (Espaol)
Ä¢¹½tv no discrimina por motivos de raza o etnia, identidad de gnero, edad, origen nacional, religin, orientacin sexual o discapacidad en ninguno de sus programas o actividades educativas. Brindamos servicios acordes con la Seccin 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitacin y la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades. Regstrese en esta oficina incluso si est trabajando con Blind and Visual Services, la Oficina de Rehabilitacin Vocacional o el programa Labyrinth, ya que trabajaremos juntos para brindarle servicios de apoyo, ya que somos los designados. departamento para proporcionar adaptaciones relacionadas con la discapacidad Ä¢¹½tv. Descargue y complete este formulario y envenos un correo electrnico a
Documentation of Disability form
This form may be used to provide documentation for the following types of disabilities: Attention, Psychological/Emotional, Health/Physical, and Mobility. This form excludes Specific Learning Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Vision Impairments, and Hearing Impairments. Please have your evaluator download and complete this form, and email it to us at
Documentation of Disability form (traumatic brain injuries and concussions)
Documentation of disability form for traumatic brain injuries and concussions. Please have your evaluator download and complete this form, and email it to us at
Documentation for Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Accommodation
To request an ESA as an accommodation for on-campus housing, you will want to provide our office with documentation of your disability-related need for an ESA, completed by your healthcare provider. Please have your evaluator download and complete this form, and email it to us at
D2A2 Services Request form
Request form for D2A2 accommodations and services, which must be completed for each new semester. Please download and complete the correct form below (per the upcoming/current semester), and email it back to us as an attachment to
Alternate Format Text Request form
Please submit this form after it has been determined that audio or alternate format tests are an accommodation that you have been made eligible to use. Please download and complete this form, save it under a new name, and email it to us at
Test Request form
Use this form to schedule an accommodated test/quiz within the D2A2 office or to request an online test/quiz to be proctored virtually (online) by D2A2.
The form must be completed (page 1 by the student; page 2 by the professor) and returned by you (the student) to the D2A2 office at least three school days in advance of the test/quiz (or, at least five school days in advance of midterm or final exams).
You may submit a hard copy version of the completed form in person to the D2A2office (246 Stouffer Hall). Or, if you wish to submit a digital version of the completed Test Request form to D2A2 via email, you should complete page 1 of the PDF fillable form on your computer, save it under a new name, and then email it to your professor (for them to complete page 2). Ask the professor to email the completed form back to you (the student). Once you receive the completed form from your professor, you (the student) must then forward it to D2A2 by email at