Ä¢¹½tv is committed to providing students and their families the best information and processing alternatives available regarding student borrowing.

In support of this, and in an effort to rule out any perceived or actual conflict of interest between Ä¢¹½tv officers, employees, or agents and education loan lenders, Ä¢¹½tv has adopted the following:

  • Ä¢¹½tv does not participate in any revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender.
  • Ä¢¹½tv does not permit any officer, employee, or agent of the school who is employed in the Financial Aid Office or is otherwise involved in the administration of education loans to accept any gifts of greater than a nominal value from any lender, guarantor, or servicer.
  • Ä¢¹½tv does not permit any officer, employee, or agent of the school who is employed in the Financial Aid Office or is otherwise involved in the administration of education loans to accept any fee, payment, or other financial benefit (including a stock purchase option) from a lender or affiliate of a lender as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or contract to provide services to a lender or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans.
  • Ä¢¹½tv does not permit any officer, employee, or agent of the school who is employed in the Financial Aid Office or is otherwise involved in the administration of education loans to accept anything of value from a lender, guarantor, or group of lenders and/or guarantors in exchange for service on an advisory board, commission, or other group established by such a lender, guarantor group of lenders, and/or guarantors. Ä¢¹½tv does allow for the reasonable reimbursement of expenses associated with participation in such boards, commissions, or groups by lenders, guarantors, or groups of lenders and/or guarantors.
  • Ä¢¹½tv does not assign a lender to any first-time borrower through financial aid packaging or any other means.
  • Ä¢¹½tv recognizes that a borrower has the right to choose any lender from which to borrow to finance his/her education. Ä¢¹½tv will not refuse to certify or otherwise deny or delay certification of a loan based on the borrower's selection of a lender and/or guarantor.
  • Ä¢¹½tv will not request or accept any offer of funds to be used for private education loans to students from any lender in exchange for providing the lender with a specified number or volume of Title IV loans, or a preferred lender arrangement for Title IV loans.
  • Ä¢¹½tv will not request or accept any assistance with call center or Financial Aid Office staffing.