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Forms being filled out Graduate Assistantship Funding

The dean of each college will work with program coordinators to determine the total funding allocation of each department and/or academic program eligible for graduate assistantship funds. The program coordinator will monitor allocation spending, awards processed, and student eligibility based on award criteria. See the general parameters for awarding graduate assistantships.

General Parameters for Awarding Graduate Assistantships (SGSR-Funded)

All graduate assistant awards must include both a stipend and a tuition dollar award. Two dollar amount awards will be made per graduate assistant, one for the stipend award and one for the tuition dollar award.

Graduate assistantships are to be awarded to students enrolled in degree-seeking programs.

Award options for full-time, graduate-level enrolled students:

Eight-hour GA (Must be enrolled 6–12 credits)

Fall and/or spring, master's and doctoral

One Term Two Terms Total
Minimum Stipend $500 $1,000
Minimum Tuition Dollars $1,449 $2,898
To be split evenly between fall and spring terms

Ten-hour GA (must be enrolled 6–12 credits)

Fall and/or spring

One Term Two Terms Total
Minimum Masters Stipend $625 $1,250
Minimum Doctoral Stipend $800 $1,600
Minimum Tuition Dollars $2,173 $4,346
To be split evenly between fall and spring terms

Twenty-hour GA (Must be enrolled 9–12 credits)

Fall and/or spring

One Term Two Terms Total
Minimum Masters Stipend $1,250 $2,500
Minimum Doctoral Stipend $1,600 $3,200
Minimum Tuition Dollars $2,898 $5,796
To be split evenly between fall and spring terms

Note: If you want, you can base your tuition dollars on current tuition rates. These rates can be found on the Graduate Tuition and Fees page. The next academic year tuition rates do not come out until after July 1. If you want to factor in an increase, add 3 percent or less to the current tuition fees.

Part time-enrolled (enrolled in a minimum of six credits per semester) graduate students are eligible for either an eight- or 10-hour GA for fall and/or spring award.

Completing and Submitting the Graduate Assistant Award Form

Download the Graduate Assistantship Award form and save it to your desktop or other secure location, complete the form, and save it. Then upload the Graduate Assistant Award form by . Learn more about iforms. Please note that a VPN connection is required if accessing this web page from off campus.

For a student to receive a graduate assistantship (GA), graduate coordinators must submit the required forms by the following deadlines. Forms received after these deadlines will not be processed.

  • Fall-only and fall/spring GA assignments: July 1

    • Graduate coordinators are strongly encouraged to submit GA award forms early in the spring term.
  • Spring-only GA assignments: November 1

  • A replacement award (in the event a student declines an award) can be made by uploading a new award to iforms within five business days from initial notification from student until the end of the drop/add period.

  • No replacements will be processed after the drop/add deadline.

  • All awards are to be submitted to iforms by the student's home program coordinator. This includes unit and/or grant-funded GA awards.

  • The graduate assistantship award iform should be descriptive and complete as the position details are sent to the student along with their award agreement and offer.

    • The work site field must be a specific department, office, or location. "Main campus" or "branch campus" will not be accepted. The work site is used by multiple offices to properly process the award.

Offer of Award from SGSR to Student

Upon completion and submission of the GA award form and a review by the School of Graduate Studies and Research, an offer and agreement will be issued to students via their Ä¢¹½tv email address. The email comes from, and the graduate coordinator and supervisor are copied on the message.

Background Clearances and Payroll

Once the student returns their signed agreement by the deadline stated on their agreement, the Office of Human Resources will contact the student to request background clearances. Students are not permitted to begin working until the final email (email number three) has arrived from SGSR indicating that background clearances are complete and the award has been fully processed. Program coordinators and GA supervisors are copied on email number three. Attached to that email message will be the GA agreement signed by the dean of the SGSR or designee.

Completing and Submitting the Scholarship Request Form

Download the Scholarship Award form and save it to your desktop or other secure location. Complete the form and save it to your computer. Upload the Scholarship Request form by . Learn more about iforms. Please note that a VPN connection is required if accessing this web page from off campus.