The Clothesline Project is a powerful visual display that is a vehicle for people affected by violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt. The shirts are hung on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problem of sexual and domestic violence. With the support of many, it has since spread worldwide.
To learn more about the national network, visit the .
The Purpose of the Project is to:
- Create awareness of the experiences of victims and survivors of sexual and domestic violence.
- Assist in the healing process for people who have lost a loved one or are survivors of violence.
- Educate and raise society's awareness of the problem of sexual and domestic violence.
- Provide a nationwide network of support and information for other communities starting their own Clothesline Project.
Color Representation
The shirts are color coded to show the form of violence and whether the victim survived the violence they experienced.
WHITE represents people who have died due to violence.
YELLOW or BEIGE represents battered or assaulted victims.
RED, PINK, or ORANGE are for survivors of rape and sexual assault.
BLUE or GREEN represent survivors of incest or child sexual violence.
PURPLE or LAVENDER represents people attacked because of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
BLACK represents people permanently handicapped as a result of violence or who were abused because they are disabled.
For more information about Ä¢¹½tv's Clothesline Project, email
Ä¢¹½tv Clothesline Shirts
Below is a display of shirts created by members of the Indiana and Ä¢¹½tv communities. Content may be disturbing to some.