RAINN Day, Fall 2024: Wednesday, September 25

According to , someone in America is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds. Most victims of sexual assault are under the age of 30.
This crime may occur often, but it doesn't belong on our campus. Each September, the Haven Project sponsors RAINN Day. is the largest anti-sexual assault organization in the United States.
RAINN Day is our way of supporting this organization's effort to educate campuses, support survivors, and take a stand against sexual assault. Come to the Oak Grove and see our display of umbrellas, and show your support for survivors.
Hundreds of volunteers help us to get the word out that this type of violence shouldn't be part of our campus. We are once again looking for volunteers to help us in a variety of ways. Contact the Haven Project at haven-project@iup.edu for information on how you can volunteer.