Please read the following agreement prior to adding a meal plan.

The Dining Service Policy is a binding legal agreement between the university and the individual student. Meals provided under this contract are for the contract holder only.


Eligibility for dining services is limited to students registered for course work and to Ä¢¹½tv employees.


The university reserves the right to adjust the meal fee before or during the agreement period by action of the Council of Trustees. Meal fees indicated are estimates. Actual costs will be available in May for Fall semester. Payment of meal fees should be made according to instructions by the Office of Student Billing.

Cancellation or Change in Mealplans

This agreement is binding for the full academic year (both semesters) or the balance thereof. Meal fees listed are per semester. To obtain release (non-resident students) from the meal plan agreement after signing, or to change meal plans, the student must submit a written request to the Office of Housing, Residential Living, and Dining or email to no later than the end of the first week of the semester (Fall and Spring).

Requests sent to any other office will not be accepted.

During the Fall/Spring semesters, a cancellation request submitted to and granted by the Office of Housing, Residential Living, and Dining will be assessed no forfeiture as long as no meals were eaten. Students participating in internships or student teaching programs must notify the Office of Housing, Residential Living, and Dining prior to the beginning of the semester if they need to cancel a meal plan.

Service Restrictions

Meal hours and dining service locations may be adjusted by the university upon notification or in cases of emergency. Dining service is not provided under this agreement during the Thanksgiving, mid-year, and Spring Break periods. Additionally:

  • Dishes, silverware, and food may not be removed from the dining facilities; diners must return their dishes and utensils to the designated collection area in the dining facility.
  • Only I-Cards valid for meal service may be used for entrance to the dining hall; they may not be altered or used by another student.
  • Alteration or misuse of the I-Card is subject to fines up to $25 and other disciplinary action.

I-Card problems related to dining service should be reported to the Meal Card Office in at 724-357-2347. Lost or damaged I-Cards can be replaced at the HUB.

Meal plan holders must present their I-card to enter Folger and North Residential Dining Hall as well as Punxsutawney Dining Hall.

Lost I-Cards

If a student cannot get to the I-Card office immediately they should email or report the lost I-Card to the meal card office located in the , phone number 724-357-2347.

When an I-Card is lost the student should immediately obtain a new card from the I-Card office located in the HUB (when a student gets a new I-Card, the lost one is rendered unusable).


Students withdrawing from the university during the academic year must initiate such withdrawals according to the instructions posted on the Total University Withdrawal Policy for Undergraduates page. Students withdrawing from the university will forfeit a portion of the semester dining service charges in accordance with the Ä¢¹½tv Refund Policy available at the Office of Student Billing. No refunds will be granted unless formal withdrawal from Ä¢¹½tv has been initiated. Students who are suspended from classes, residence halls, and/or dining halls will receive a reduction of fees in accordance with the above policy. Refunds will not—be made for meals missed during the agreement period.


Meals provided are for the meal plan agreement holder only.

Meal plans may not be shared or borrowed. Misuse is subject to fines and disciplinary action.

How does the meal cash credit and meal exchange work?

You may use meals at retail by turning a meal swipe into cash. You may use two meals per transaction, up to eight each day. The meal may be used as an even swipe on select items or towards the purchase of other food items. National brands, except Einstein Brother Bagels, are excluded from meal cash credit.

Meal plans may only be used by the named meal plan holder. You are able to change your meal plan during the first week of classes each semester. Changes must be made in writing to the Office of Housing, Residential Living, and Dining or by e-mailing Requests sent to any other offices will not be accepted.

You can now use your meal plan anytime you want. You may use one swipe per transaction in retail locations that accept meal cash credit or meal exchange. You may use up to six swipes per day.

Each of our meal plans include five free guest passes to be used at Folger or North Residential Dining Hall. As always, you may also use your Flex to treat a family member or friend at any time.