In this section, you will see different offices, programs, and individuals to help you through the proposal process and beyond. Remember that it takes a community to make this work, so reach out to the experts for guidance and support.

The Proposal Process

  1. Faculty are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the OIE: EA before and/or while embarking on the proposal process. Consider contacting the OIE as soon as possible to let them know you’re working on an idea, so they may be able to provide any additional, timely resources and/or opportunities.
  2. Discuss the idea with the departmental chair and college dean to get a clearer picture of, if any, special requirements there might be. For example,
    1. Does the proposed program need a minimum number of registered participants?
    2. Are there any financial incentives/grants/other you can apply for within the department or college?
    3. Do you have the support of the chair and dean?
  3. Complete the proposal form, which includes a detailed budget. The proposal form will seek information regarding details on the course offering, projected dates, itinerary, and recruitment plan.
  4. Detailed budget will seek as much detail as possible from the applicant, to ensure the right balance of affordability and quality. Understanding that the proposal is often 12 months from departure, it is important to submit as much detail as possible so that, when advertising, the information is correct for students. Once you advertise a program cost for participants, you are not permitted to increase the amount. A buffer is included in the budget form; see it for details.
  5. Your three-part proposal (form, budget, and signature page) will be submitted to the Director: Education Abroad using iForms. You will get an acknowledgment of receipt, and it will be reviewed for completion before it is sent for approval by the chairperson and dean.
    Note: If it is a dual (or multiple) listing (from two or more departments and/or colleges), appropriate approvals must be sought before submitting the proposal form. Please read below for details on the roles and responsibilities of each approver.
    1. Faculty-Leader - By submitting this step, you 1) have completed and attached the Short-Term Education Abroad Program Proposal Form; 2) attached a brief rationale for the proposed program; 3) attached a proposed budget; 4) accept responsibility for the academic content and quality of the academic components of this proposed program; 5) accept responsibility for the proper technical and financial conduct of the associated program costs; 6) acknowledge and accept responsibility for compliance with the Ä¢¹½tv Office of International Education and Education Abroad procedures regarding travel with students; 7) assure arrangements have been made for any items requiring special consideration by your department, dean, provost, OIE, etc.; 8) acknowledge and accept responsibility for maintaining timely correspondence regarding updates, changes and required submissions with the OIE, Student Billing Office, Travel Office, Procurement Services, etc.; and 9) accept responsibility for all aspects of program: academics, reports, regulatory compliance, student conduct, university policies, and financial management.

    2. Department Chair or Designee - By approving this program proposal, you are certifying that 1) the proposed program is appropriate and supported academically by the department; 2) the faculty-leader has discussed this proposal with you, including the academic components, all financial aspects, and salary and/or compensation; and 3) you have discussed clear expectations of the faculty-leader regarding the aspects of the program, including any support to be provided by the department.

    3. Dean or Designee - By approving this program proposal, you are indicating 1) your approval of the academic content of the proposed program; 2) that personnel/faculty are available to pursue this program; 3) the program is appropriate to and coordinated with the college and OIE procedures and policies; and 4) the faculty-leader has discussed salary and/or compensation for this program. Your signature for approval of this application does not necessarily indicate any commitment to funding a program or project.

  6. The proposal will be sent to the AVP for International Education and the provost for final review.
  7. You will be notified as soon as the decision has been made.
  8. You will be able to start advertising with fliers, emails, and the StudioAbroad web page (more under the Resources section on this).

Summer Programs

April/May of Preceding Year

  • Consult with department chair and college dean to gain support for the program.
  • Contact the assistant director for Education Abroad to discuss the program concept.
  • Begin work on adapting a current syllabus to the location or developing curriculum for a new course.


  • Develop program framework and objectives.
  • Prepare a draft itinerary and budget.
  • Submit all materials along with the Short-Term Faculty-Led Program Proposal on the .


  • Work with the assistant director for Education Abroad on Studio Abroad web training and building the program's web page (schedule web training meeting).
  • Design an 8.5"x11" flier to advertise the opportunity (OIE can print up to 100 fliers at this size in color).
  • Apply for an SAP account for the program through your department, and complete the Ä¢¹½tv Marketplace form and submit it to the OIE.
  • Sole source documentation, if needed, should be submitted to OIE and Procurement Services.


  • If/when approval from the provost and AVP of International Education and Global Engagement is received, activate web page and begin accepting applications.
  • Program leaders may promote the program using the various media around campus: Ä¢¹½tv RESNET, public bulletin boards, residence hall bulletin boards (follow Ä¢¹½tv OHRLD instructions), and Ä¢¹½tv Now.
  • Reserve a table at the annual Education Abroad Fair to promote the program (may enlist previous student participants to assist).

Winter Programs

October/November or Preceding Year

  • Consult with department chair and college dean to gain support for the program.
  • Contact the assistant director for Education Abroad to discuss the program concept.
  • Begin work on adapting a current syllabus to the location or developing curriculum for a new course.


  • Develop program framework and objectives.
  • Prepare a draft itinerary and budget.
  • Submit all materials along with the Short-Term Faculty-Led Program Proposal on the .


  • Work with the assistant director for Education Abroad on Studio Abroad web training and building the program's web page (schedule web training meeting).
  • Design an 8.5"x11" flier to advertise the opportunity (OIE can print up to 100 fliers at this size in color).
  • Apply for an SAP account for the program through your department, and complete the Ä¢¹½tv Marketplace form and submit it to the OIE.
  • Sole source documentation, if needed, should be submitted to OIE and Procurement Services.


  • If/when approval from the provost and AVP of International Education and Global Engagement is received, activate web page and begin accepting applications.
  • Program leaders may promote the program using the various media around campus: Ä¢¹½tv RESNET, public bulletin boards, residence hall bulletin boards (follow Ä¢¹½tv OHRLD instructions), and Ä¢¹½tv Now.


  • Reserve a table at the annual Education Abroad Fair to promote the program (may enlist previous student participants to assist).

Spring Programs

January/February of Preceding Year

  • Consult with department chair and college dean to gain support for the program.
  • Contact the assistant director for Education Abroad to discuss the program concept.
  • Begin work on adapting a current syllabus to the location or developing curriculum for a new course.


  • Develop program framework and objectives.
  • Prepare a draft itinerary and budget.
  • Submit all materials along with the Short-Term Faculty-Led Program Proposal on the .

Jun e

  • Work with the assistant director for Education Abroad on Studio Abroad web training and building the program's web page (schedule web training meeting).
  • Design an 8.5"x11" flier to advertise the opportunity (OIE can print up to 100 fliers at this size in color).
  • Apply for an SAP account for the program through your department, and complete the Ä¢¹½tv Marketplace form and submit to the OIE.
  • Sole source documentation, if needed, should be submitted to OIE and Procurement Services.


  • If/when approval from the provost and AVP of International Education and Global Engagement is received, activate web page and begin accepting applications.
  • Program leaders may promote the program using the various media around campus: Ä¢¹½tv RESNET, public bulletin boards, residence hall bulletin boards (follow Ä¢¹½tv OHRLD instructions), and Ä¢¹½tv Now.


  • Reserve a table at the annual Education Abroad Fair to promote the program (may enlist previous student participants to assist).