iblog is the blogging service for Ä¢¹½tv. It is hosted through Edublogs | CampusPress and runs on the WordPress platform.
iblog is open to any active faculty, staff, or student at Ä¢¹½tv. The service is also available to any class, organization, or department.
Starting a personal blog is easy . Once you log in, a new blog will be created for you. Your blog URL will be iblog.iup.edu/username. You would use your assigned Ä¢¹½tv username in place of username.
If you are looking to create a blog for a class, department, or organization, please request a blog via . Be sure to include the requested blog title, the name(s) of the blog administrator(s) and the suggested URL for the blog. It would be in the form iblog.iup.edu/blogname. The group blog name must be nine (9) characters in length.
Additional information on the service can be found on the .
Common iblog tasks
Adding users to iblog
Use these steps to add a new "existing" user to a blog, one at a time.
Before a user can be assigned a blog role, they must log in to iblog first in order to provision an account.
- Log on to iblog.iup.edu
- Click the Log in link in the upper left corner of the window. Enter your Ä¢¹½tv network username and password
- From the My Sites drop-down menu in the upper left corner select the desired blog name . Next select the Dashboard for that blog.
- In the Dashboard menu down the left select Users then select Add New .
- Make sure you use the TOP box for adding a "existing"new user to your blog.
- In the TOP Add New User box enter the email or username of the person you would like to add.
- Select the role from the drop-down menu that you want the user to have. Click the Add Existing User button just below the Role drop-down menu. If you are not sure what role to give the user, you can review the edublogs .
- You will see a confirmation the user has been added at the top of the screen. Continue to add users as needed. To review the users added click the All Users link in the menu on the left.
- The users of the blog are displayed in the Users window. You can also add, delete users or change the role of a user from this screen.
File upload limit in iblog
iblogis hosted through Edublogs | CampusPress and runs on the WordPress platform. There is a file upload limitation using iblog. Follow theses recommendations to mitigate the limitation.
We have discovered that iblog has a per file upload limit of 32MB. In order to reduce this limitation we recommend that video and audio files be loaded another service and then utilize the hyperlink or embed code feature of iblog to link to the desired video and audio file.