This page is designed to help you to understand the technology that's available at Ä¢¹½tv and how you can use it.
Getting Started
To Do list for Faculty: Start and End of Semester Activities
- Making a Course Available to Students in Desire2Learn
- Create a Course Section Email List
- Project Directory - Project Directory overview and information including how to increase your quota
Be sure at the end of the semester to back up files you may need from the P drive, or copy the files to the course folders for the new semester.
- Personal Mobile Devices - connect to wireless and your email
- Ä¢¹½tv Mobile App Support Resources - Ä¢¹½tv's Mobile App
- Wireless Network
- Virtual Private Network (VPN): for those who connect to the network from off-campus locations
- Virtual Computing Lab (VCL): connect to a Public Computer Lab desktop from off-campus (no VPN setup is needed)
- How to Map the Standard Ä¢¹½tv Network Drives
- Email at Ä¢¹½tv
- How to Create a Course Section Email List
- Anti-Spam Service
- Personal Mobile Devices: instructions to set up your Ä¢¹½tv email account on your phone or tablet
Instructional Technologies and Instructional Technology Services for Faculty
If you are developing an online course or trying to figure out how to integrate technology into instruction, instructional designers are on hand to assist you in planning your use of technology and selecting technology tools. Please contact the IT Support Center to make an appointment.
Current list of tools and services in alphabetical order:
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Desire2Learn (D2L)
- EndNote
- Microsoft Office 365
- TurnItIn
- Zoom Online Meeting Tool
- Software Available to Faculty, Staff, or Students: including Microsoft Office, and more
- Standard Public Lab Software
Technology Committees
Support Information
If you are having a technology issue, please submit a ticket via , or send an email message from your Ä¢¹½tv email account to
If you are unable to log in to the Ä¢¹½tv network or your Ä¢¹½tv email account, please call the IT Support Center at 724-357-4000 for assistance.
Other Resources
- Banner Information - From accessing Banner to how to request access to Banner
- Faculty Information (Registrar's Office)
- Degree Works for Advisors (Registrar's Office)
- Center for Teaching Excellence
- Facilities
- Public Computer Labs