Students: Looking for information on placement testing and credit for proficiency?

  • Native/heritage speakers (students who speak Spanish, French, or German at home) or students who have advanced knowledge via extended study have the opportunity to earn Ä¢¹½tv credits for advanced and/or native speaker knowledge in French and German or Spanish (pdf).
  • If you studied Spanish in high school and did not take a placement test at Orientation, or are a native or heritage speaker of Spanish,  please contact Christina Huhn at to request a placement test. Please note: Placement tests are to determine where to begin your study, and cannot be used to test out of the course sequence once you have taken Ä¢¹½tv foreign language courses or transferred foreign language credit from another university.
  • If you are a transfer student or have other special circumstances, please contact Heide Witthöft ( to discuss your situation.

For Advisors

Ä¢¹½tv Foreign language placement and Exam for Credit options 2024 (pdf)

Information on ACE Credits for ALL Languages (pdf)