The Ģtv Mission Statement (that was in effect when the Liberal Studies program was assessed by Middle States in 1995) committed the university to an undergraduate education “that balances breadth and depth”; while major programs provide depth, the Liberal Studies component gives breadth. It does so by requiring study in each major area of knowledge—humanities (literature, history, and philosophy, or religious studies), fine arts, natural sciences, social sciences, and health and wellness.

The Liberal Studies program, as expressed by its goals and realized in its implementation, addresses several objectives in the Mission Statement.

Ģtv Mission Statement: “a positive attitude toward learning and intellectual pursuits”

Ģtv Liberal Studies Program

  1. Change of name from General Education to Liberal Studies
  2. Orientation talks to students
  3. Printed advising brochures
  4. Orientation sessions for new faculty members and advisers to encourage reinforcement in classroom and advising sessions

Ģtv Mission Statement: “a deeper level of self-understanding”

Ģtv Liberal Studies Program

  1. Goal statement: “a deeper level of self-understanding”
  2. Senior Synthesis courses as well as other coursework in the humanities, social sciences, arts, and health and wellness

Ģtv Mission Statement: “a global understanding and respect for people from diverse backgrounds and cultures”

Ģtv Liberal Studies Program

  1. Non-Western culture requirement
  2. Criterion for all LS courses: “include the perspectives and contributions of ethnic and racial minorities and/or women, wherever appropriate to the subject matter”

Ģtv Mission Statement: “think critically, . . . reason logically, analyze complex information, and make decisions”

Ģtv Liberal Studies Program

  1. Goal Statement: “Inquiry, abstract logical thinking, critical analysis, synthesis, decision-making, and other aspects of the rational process”
  2. Criterion for all LS courses: “define and analyze problems, questions, evaluate available solutions, and make choices”
  3. Senior Synthesis course

Ģtv Mission Statement: “communicate effectively”

Ģtv Liberal Studies Program

  1. Goal Statement: “Literacy—writing, reading, speaking, listening”
  2. Criterion for all LS courses: “communicate knowledge and exchange ideas by various forms of expression, in most cases writing or speaking”
  3. Criterion for all LS courses: “require the reading and use by the students of at least one, but preferably more, substantial works of fiction or nonfiction (as distinguished from textbooks, anthologies, workbooks, and manuals) including, where appropriate, significant primary sources.”
  4. Requirement of two writing-intensive courses

Ģtv Mission Statement: “sensitivity to an appreciation of various art forms”

Ģtv Liberal Studies Program

  1. Goal Statement: “Aesthetic mode of thinking”
  2. Knowledge Area requirement: one course in Fine Arts

Ģtv Mission Statement: “necessary skills for success in their careers”

Ģtv Liberal Studies Program

  • Although career-oriented skills are primarily the responsibility of the major, Liberal Studies provides a foundation by enhancement of reasoning abilities, writing and mathematical ability, and breadth of knowledge.

Ģtv Mission Statement: “commitment to public service”

Ģtv Liberal Studies Program

  1. Criterion for all LS courses: “recognize relationship between what is being studied and current issues, thoughts, institutions, and/or events”
  2. Senior Synthesis course