3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101
Present: Y. Asamoah, M. Florez, M. Knoch, D. Pistole, , F. Slack, J. Su, M. Swinker, T. Wacker
Excused: J. Domaracki, M. Hildebrandt
For Action:
- Motion to approve minutes of 3 February, 2011: Wacker/Su - Passed: Unanimous.
- Liberal Studies Courses: The revisions to the LIBR 151 Introduction to Information Literacy course were reviewed and will be returned for more revisions. The main issues were:
- The proposers need to include a syllabus in Ä¢¹½tv's standard syllabus format (The UWUCC will want to see this as well). Preferably a syllabus of record would like to be seen. The proposers then need to clearly show how specific portions of the syllabus of record will be changed to meet the Liberal Studies Elective requirements.
- Liberal Studies Course Approval IV B - although there are a number of library databases listed that would include minorities and women there is no indication anywhere of how the students would be required to use them or for what reason. The statement that last semester some students did projects on them is very weak.
- Liberal Studies Course Approval IV C - The committee was not sure what you are proposing in this category. What will the supplemental reading(s) be? If possible be more specific about what the students will be using to meet the requirements of this section.
- P. 13 - the catalog description needs to be in the Undergraduate Catalog format. The listing of the current catalog description does not match that of what is in the catalog which says var-1cr.
- The committee reviewed and edited the language of the original General Education Task Force on the Liberal Studies Administrative Structure. We will review the edits at our next meeting.
Motion to Adjourn: Florez/Knoch. Passed: Unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.