3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101

Present: M. Hildebrandt, E.Hwang, D. Pistole, F. Slack, M. Swinker, T. Wacker, G. Wilson

Excused: Y. Asamoah, M. Taddie

For Information:
  1. Minor revisions of the following proposals were made and returned to the LS office (and signed):
    1. SYN-159 LBST 499 On the Road to Santiago - A Medieval Pilgrimage Across Northern Spain
    2. Child Development & Family Relations - Catalog description change, program title change and program revision
    3. FYS 4 LBST 281 Green Marketing for the 21st Century

2. Dr. Knoch from the Biology Department will be the new NSM representative.

For Action:
  1. Wacker/Wilson motion to approve the minutes of 30 September, 2010. Passed. 6/0/0.
  2. Swinker/Wilson motion to approve the proposal from Mike Husenits “To Improve the Recruitment of Prospective Transfer Students to Ģtv”. Passed. 6/0/0.
  3. Wilson/Swinker motion to approve UWUCC 10-18b MUHI 222 Music of the British Invasion as a Liberal Studies Elective. Passed. 6/0/0.
  4. The committee did not pass FYS 5 LBST 281 Seeing Through the American Landscape. We will return the proposal to the faculty member for revisions.

Motion to Adjourn: Swinker/Wacker. Passed 6/0/0. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm.