How do I find a book about...?

If you are searching for a book on a particular topic, . They will be able to help you search through the library collections to find what you need.

How do I get journals?

The easiest way is to contact a librarian for assistance—you can visit the reference desk on the first floor of Stapleton Library, or . Once you have the journal information, your journal can be found on the ground floor of the library. The Serials Desk on the ground floor of Stapleton Library can also provide assistance if needed.

Is there a color printer in the library?

Yes, it is located on the first floor of Stapleton Library, near the computers and the Reference Collection.

Is there a lost and found in the library?

The lost and found is located at the Circulation Desk. Describe to the student at the desk what you’ve lost, and they will check to see if it has been returned.

Can anyone use the individual study rooms on the second and third floors?

Yes! The individual study rooms on Stapleton second and third floors (rooms 209–246 and 313–342) are available to anyone on a first-come, first-served basis. More information is available at Individual Study Rooms.

How can I apply for a student worker position in the Library?

Please visit Hire a Hawk to initiate your employment opportunities.

What is the best alternative to getting my book if the library owns it, but it is checked out or I can't find it?

If the book is checked out, missing, or lost, the system will allow you to order it through PALCI, which can be found on the Library home page. The book will be here in three to five days.

If you cannot find a book that you need, fill out a "Book Search Form," or ask for a supervisor to help you look. If it is not found, "Missing" will be put in the record, which will allow you to order the book through PALCI. If it is not available through PALCI, you will be prompted to pursue ordering the book through our Interlibrary Loan system. If this is your first time using Interlibrary Loan, you will be prompted to create an account first.

How long is my library account active after I graduate or leave the university?

If you graduate, your account will remain active for 60 days after commencement. If you leave the university as an undergraduate student, your account remains active for an entire year after your last course. Graduate students' accounts remain active for six months.

While your account is active, you can continue checking out books and using Ä¢¹½tv Libraries resources. It's important to remember that fines and fees for overdue or lost materials will continue to be applied to your student billing account as long as it is active.