We subscribe to several e-book collections through a variety of vendors and services. Ä¢¹½tv students, faculty, and staff can access more than 600,000 e-books through these services or through the Library Search.

EBSCO E-books

Access more than 135,000 e-books across all academic areas, including Clinical, Nursing, and Education titles.

E-book Central

This collection, provided by ProQuest, includes more than 142,000 titles across all academic subject areas.

Springer E-books

Access 1,337 titles in Behavioral Sciences, Business and Economics, Humanities, Social Science, and Law.

Credo Reference

Credo Reference contains more than 270 reference titles (encyclopedias, handbooks, and more) containing over 3 million entries.

Gale Virtual Reference Library

A collection of 92 reference titles across multiple disciplines, including history, business, science, literature, and education.

SAGE Knowledge

Access 86 reference titles and more than 4,000 individual e-books via SAGE Knowledge.