The Ä¢¹½tv Libraries is committed to continuing to provide a range of services and collections to support the teaching, learning, and research mission of university students and employees while protecting the health and safety of the Ä¢¹½tv community.
During the fall 2020 semester, a number of changes and modifications to library operations and policies have been made, based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Pennsylvania Department of Health, that are designed to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. These changes include:
In-person use of library facilities and collections is restricted to Ä¢¹½tv students, faculty, and staff, with priority given to student's quiet study and coursework.
In order to follow social distancing guidelines, seating is limited. We ask that patrons be cognizant of the needs of Ä¢¹½tv students, and limit time in the library to what is absolutely necessary.
Ä¢¹½tv requirements for face coverings will be enforced in all library buildings and spaces, including the Orendorff Music Library and Punxsutawney regional campus library.
Spaces are arranged for the recommended six-foot social distancing, and excess chairs have been removed. Library patrons should not move chairs or tables.
In order to accommodate student work, computers are not currently available for community users.
Following guidelines about gatherings in enclosed spaces, group study rooms, individual study carrels, meeting rooms, and the one button studio are not available at this time.
The library cannot support "tabling" activities inside the Ä¢¹½tv libraries until further notice.
Books and interlibrary loan items may be returned through the exterior book drop located to the left of the main entrance to Stapleton Library.
A voluntary temperature check station is available in the main lobby of Stapleton Library.
Stapleton/Stabley Hours for Fall Semester
(beginning August 24)
- Sunday: Noon-8:00 p.m.
- Monday through Thursday:8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
- Friday: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
- Saturday: Closed
In-person and Virtual Services
The library provides in-person reference and research assistance with faculty librarians, circulation, print reserves (including textbook checkout), and media services on the first floor of Stapleton Library.
Virtual collections include desktop access to thousands of e-books, hundreds of database resources, and millions of individual journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. Research support and library instruction are also available remotely through chat, telephone, email, D2L, and Zoom technologies. Please visit the Ä¢¹½tv Libraries home page and click on the red button for assistance.
A full range of interlibrary loan services are available to Ä¢¹½tv students, faculty, and staff. Patrons can request books and articles through ILLiad, but fulfillment is limited to other libraries' ability to lend materials. Physical books can be checked out at the circulation desk in Stapleton Library and articles will be delivered via electronic document delivery as outlined on the .Patrons must register for this service following the "First Time Users" link on that page. Questions concerning interlibrary service should be directed to
Use of Print Collections
All items remain available for use, and Library staff are on hand to retrieve requested items. Library patrons can request items at the circulation and serials service desks, and staff will get the requested items for use or check-out.
Print reserves, including textbooks, will continue to be available at the circulation desk.
Book stacks, journal holdings, and current newspapers and magazines have been roped off, and the third floor of Stapleton Library is closed in order to protect library users and employees.
Special Collections and University Archives
Special Collections and University Archives are available by advance appointment; only two people can be in this area at the same time. Research visits may be scheduled with Harrison Wick at
Orendorff Music Library (Cogswell Hall)
Hours of Operation
- Monday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
- Friday: 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
- Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Seating capacity is limited to 29. Individuals may not access to the music library stacks, but all items are available for check-out by request. Persons should visit the music library circulation desk to request an item or email Laura Krulikowski at
Punxsutawney Regional Campus Library
Hours of Operation:
- Monday-Thursday: Noon-6:00 p.m.
- Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: Closed
Other Services and Operations
The Ä¢¹½tv Writing Center provides drop-in tutoring on the first floor of Stapleton Library.
The has replaced the IT Help Desk in Stapleton Library.
Java City is closed, but the Stapleton and Stabley libraries continue a relaxed policy allowing food and drink. Please adhere to face covering policies required by the university.
Classes meeting in the ALEKS Lab, Stabley 101, Stabley 201, and Stabley 210 should enter through the main entrance of Stapleton Library.
A prayer room remains available in Room G13 on the ground floor of Stapleton Library.
Other Ä¢¹½tv Offices Operating in Stabley Library
Please check the websites of these offices for specific hours and guidelines.