The Educational Improvement Tax Credit is a program of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania administered through the Department of Community and Economic Development that allows eligible businesses to apply tax credits against their tax liability for the year in which the contributions were made.
Giving OnlineHow to give to the Lively Arts online
Ovations! Sponsors and PartnersMany people, organizations, groups, and businesses made the 2011–2012 season of Ovations! possible.
The Ä¢¹½tv Performing Arts Center, opened in September 2008, is a truly grand space on the Ä¢¹½tv campus. With your contribution that includes an engraved plaque on a seat, thousands of patrons who visit Fisher Auditorium throughout the many years to come will clearly see that name and the support it represents.
Hosting a PerformanceThis opportunity, specially designed for organizations and small businesses, is available for most Lively Arts events including Ovations! and, through special arrangement, for Theater-by-the-Grove, Dance Theater, Sound Progressions, University Museum, and Kipp Gallery.
Business and Corporate GivingHere are some examples of what we are able to provide to businesses and corporations who wish to sponsor either a specific event or series of events. All benefits are suggestions, and can be adapted so that it best meets the needs of the sponsor.
By becoming a charter member of the Premiere Club, you will assist the Lively Arts in presenting Ä¢¹½tv’s premiere performing arts series, Ovations!, thereby showing your support for the cultural health of our region.
Giving OpportunitiesA variety of opportunities exist for contributing to the Lively Arts at Ä¢¹½tv. We invite you to look at the Premiere Club for individuals contributing from $100 up to $5,000 and above. We also provide special opportunities for businesses and corporations who wish to sponsor certain major performances over the year.
Helwig ArtistThe Helwig Distinguished Artist Endowment was established in 1987 by Florence Lattimer Helwig in memory of her late husband.
The Lively Arts: Fisher Auditorium, Ä¢¹½tv Performing Arts Center
FORM - Premiere Club Donation Form for WebsiteTHE LIVE LY ARTS Performing Arts Center, Room 202 P 724-357-2787 403 South Eleventh Street F 724-357-7899 Indiana, PA 15705-1008 www. i u p . e d u /l i v e l yar t s PREMIERE CLUB • Ovations! • The Lively Arts Your Name __________________________________________________________________ Banner ID (if known) ___________