General Music Scholarships
Charles A. and Clarabell Tweed Davis Memorial Music Scholarship (0130)
This scholarship is awarded to one or more rising sophomores enrolled in the Music Department. The recipient must exhibit outstanding musical skills in a particular musical discipline and contribute to the musical discipline and the university through ensembles, recitals, etc.
Dan and Dorothy DiCicco Rehearsal Room (4705)
Gifts made to name the rehearsal hall will be directed toward instrument upgrades and maintenance and continuing enhancements on the DiCicco Rehearsal Hall.
Florence E. Haug Marching Band Scholarship (0467)
Florence E. Haug served as secretary/administrative assistant to six presidents at Ä¢¹½tv over a period spanning 25 years. Ms. Haug enjoys all areas of the College of Fine Arts, in particular the Ä¢¹½tv Marching Band. Her generous support provides a scholarship to a full-time student from the college with a major in music participating as a member of the marching band.
Freshman Music Scholarship (5070)
Student must be an incoming freshman music major. Awards are based on performance ability and equally shared among all applied studios (instruments and voice).
H. Eugene Hulbert Music Scholarship (0145)
Awarded to a student majoring in Music Education, Music Performance, or Liberal Arts on the basis of academic excellence, music excellence, and financial need.
William & Jean Joseph Family Scholarship (0591)
The William and Jean Joseph Family Scholarship shall provide scholarship support to students enrolled at Ä¢¹½tv who have a declared major in Music or are participating members of the Ä¢¹½tv football team. Funds will be disbursed in alternate years. In the fall semester of odd-numbered years, the student recipient must have a declared major in Music. In the fall semester of even-numbered years, the student recipient must be a participating member of the football team. William D. Joseph and Debra Joseph Bell created this scholarship to honor their parents, William and Jean Joseph.
Dr. Russel C. Nelson Scholarship (A0015)
To be awarded to a Music major pursuing a degree in Music Education.
John. E Rhodes Music Scholarship (0604)
John E. Rhodes earned a BA and MA in music from Ä¢¹½tv and performed in the U.S. Army Chorus and numerous choruses throughout the Northeast U.S. He was also a music educator for 30 years in VA.
Bruce Schonour Scholarship for Music (0676)
The Bruce Schonour Scholarship for Music shall provide scholarship support to full-time students enrolled at Ä¢¹½tv. Half of the Annual Available Amount must be used to provide scholarships to students pursuing a degree in Music Performance. The other half of the Annual Available Amount must be used to provide scholarships to students pursuing a degree in Music Education.
Kenneth M. Sell Memorial Scholarship for Music (0490)
The Kenneth M. Sell Memorial Scholarship for Music provides annual support for a talented and deserving student enrolled within the Music Department who demonstrates the highest level of excellence and exceptional talent during the audition process.
Vyrle Haley Troxel Memorial Scholarship (0553)
The Vyrle Haley Troxell Memorial Scholarship shall provide scholarship support for the recruitment and/or retention of students enrolled at Ä¢¹½tv with a declared major offered by the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance.
College of Fine Arts Student Support Fund (225334)
A need-based scholarship to assist with student retention and provide benevolent assistance.
Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance Outreach (4110)
A general fund that supports the activities and programming of the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance within the Foundation for Ä¢¹½tv, including but not necessarily limited to: the purchase of music, equipment and other items needed for the teaching, learning and performing of music, student awards, ensemble support, travel for students and faculty, and library acquisitions. Donors of amounts above $2,500 may, upon consultation with the department chair, earmark funding for specific projects that could include: the commissioning of new music, securing the services of guest artists or conductors, recording projects and equipment, or other projects that serve the needs of the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance.
Mellowmen Fund (4090)
To provide financial support for the programming of the Ä¢¹½tv Jazz Ensemble (formerly known as “the Mellowmen”) and the Ä¢¹½tv Jazz Band. Money may be used for a variety of purposes, including but not necessarily limited to: travel expenses for ensembles on tour; purchase of equipment; professional services for guest performers, conductors, and artists; commissioning of new work for jazz performance; recording and production of CDs and/or DVDs; collaborative programming with other ensembles or artists; etc.
Brass Area Scholarships
Armstrong Concert Band Scholarship for Trombone (0443)
The Armstrong Concert Band Scholarship for Trombone was established to honor the dedication and talent of the membership of the Armstrong Concert Band and in tribute to John Schad and his passion for music. An eligible candidate must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student with a declared trombone major in the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance.
Gary and Kaye Bird Euphonium Scholarship (0538)
Dr. Gary Bird, retired Ä¢¹½tv professor of Music, established this scholarship in support of the Tuba/Euphonium Studio. A student selected to receive the scholarship must be a Music Education major with a Euphonium emphasis.
Richard Dellaposta Memorial Scholarship for Trumpet (0565)
This scholarship is not yet endowed. It will be given to deserving trumpet players attending Ä¢¹½tv. Rich was a graduate of Homer Center High School where he played in the concert band, jazz band, marching band, and was a participant in county, district, and regional band, and the Ä¢¹½tv Honors Band. Rich had hoped to enter the Ä¢¹½tv Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance as a music major when his life was cut tragically short. His family and friends have established this scholarship in his memory.
Jim and Jamie Self Tuba Scholarship (0357)
Jim Self (’65), a prominent studio tuba player in Los Angeles, has generously created a scholarship for a tuba player. The award is based on the student’s talent and “citizenship” in the department.
Legacy Brass Quintet (0567)
The funding for this ensemble was made possible through an initial gift from Jim and Jamie Self. Jim Self is an Ä¢¹½tv alumnus (BSEd, 1965) who has been a first call tuba player in Los Angeles for over 30 years. He is known for playing the “Voice of the Mother Ship” in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and has performed for hundreds of movie and television soundtracks in his career, as well as performing as principal tuba in many of the top professional orchestras in and around Los Angeles. The Legacy Brass Quintet performs advanced quintet repertoire and receives specialized coaching from the Ä¢¹½tv brass faculty. Membership into the ensemble is by performance audition and is open to any Ä¢¹½tv music major in the brass area.
William G. and Diane Wynn Wagner Scholarship Award in Trombone and Voice (0656)
The award is divided equally. The scholarship in trombone is given to a student majoring in trombone studies in the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance who demonstrates excellence in performance. The scholarship in voice is awarded to a female student majoring in Music Education with an emphasis in voice who demonstrates financial need.
Keyboard Area Scholarships
Joan Frey Boytim Scholarship for Keyboard Accompanist (0468)
Joan Frey Boytim completed a Bachelor of Science in Music in 1955 and a Master of Education in Music in 1964 at Ä¢¹½tv. With more than 45 years of teaching experience, she is a nationally recognized expert in the field of teaching pre-collegiate and adult community voice. A gracious gift from Mrs. Boytim provides for the award of a scholarship to a senior-level student who has demonstrated interest, success, and the promise of continued success as a keyboard accompanist for recitalists, small ensembles, or choral organizations.
Barbara L. Claypoole Memorial Organ Scholarship (0612)
The Barbara Lynn Claypoole Memorial Organ Scholarship provides scholarship support to full-time students enrolled in the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance at Ä¢¹½tv with preference to those studying the organ.
Rachel Moorhead Organ Scholarship (A0014)
This scholarship is awarded to Music majors studying applied Organ.
James Staples Piano Scholarship (0631)
The Dr. James Staples Piano Scholarship shall provide scholarship support to full time, undergraduate students pursuing a BFA in Piano Performance at Ä¢¹½tv. This scholarship endowment is established by, and named for, its founding benefactor, Dr. James G. Staples, Professor Emeritus of the Ä¢¹½tv piano faculty. Dr. Staples' goal is to make Ä¢¹½tv more competitive with its national peers in competing for some of the brightest and most talented students pursuing careers in piano performance. It is his intention to assist Ä¢¹½tv in attracting piano students of outstanding ability and potential who are likely to have true professional prospects to become a professional (piano) performer or university teacher.
Evelyn Swauger Memorial Scholarship (0296)
Awarded to undergraduate or graduate piano majors in the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance.
Carol Teti Memorial Scholarship (0295)
Preference given to undergraduate organ majors within the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance; secondary preference may be given to graduate students or students enrolled in other majors.
Percussion Area Scholarships
Olmstead Percussion Scholarship (0277)
This scholarship fund shall be used to provide financial assistance to deserving and talented students enrolled in the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance who are studying percussion.
Olmstead Fund for Percussion Studies (4771)
Contribution to this account provides financial support for Ä¢¹½tv percussion studies including equipment, music, travel for percussion students to attend conferences, festivals, performances, recording projects, provide student awards, and promote student and faculty research.
Olmstead Endowment for Percussion Studies (0596)
Contributions to this account shall be used to support guest percussion artists and the commissioning of compositions for percussion to be premiered at Ä¢¹½tv.
String Area Scholarships
Wallis and Janet Braman Music Scholarship (0118)
Awarded to an incoming freshman music major whose performing area is one of the following: violin, viola, cello, or double bass.
Folkmen Scholarship (0594)
The Folkmen Scholarship provides scholarship support to currently enrolled, full-time students at Ä¢¹½tv to assist in retention.
Margaret McCluskie Clark Scholarship for Violin (0514)
Frank M. Clark established this scholarship in honor and tribute to his wife, Margaret McCluskie Clark. Mrs. Clark graduated with a bachelor’s degree in music education from Indiana State Teachers College in 1951. The scholarship is awarded to a student with a declared major in the Music Department with violin as his/her primary performing medium.
Frank and Mary Gorell Scholarship for Music (0182)
Established by longtime Indiana residents and patrons of the arts, this scholarship benefits outstanding and talented students enrolled in the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance with a concentration in the string program.
Gloria Bryan Johnson Memorial Scholarship (0176)
Awarded to a full-time music student, to an incoming freshman, or to an upperclassman cello or bass major by recommendation of faculty.
Vocal Arts Area Scholarships
Joan Frey Boytim Scholarship for Vocal Performance (0452 and 0485)
A gracious gift from Mrs. Boytim provides for the award of two scholarships, one to a senior-level female student and a second to a senior-level male student that have demonstrated interest, success, and the promise of continued success in vocal performance.
Mr. James C. Dearing Ensemble Library (8501)
Gifts to name the library will be used to purchase additional scores and commission new works for choral performances, among other things.
Renee Fleming Scholarship in Vocal Performance (0586)
The Renee Fleming Scholarship in Vocal Performance provides scholarship support to students enrolled full time at Ä¢¹½tv who are registered in an applied voice studio and demonstrate vocal ability, academic excellence, professional behavior, and engagement in the performance program(s).Folkmen Scholarship
The Folkmen Scholarship provides scholarship support to currently enrolled, full-time students at Ä¢¹½tv to assist in retention.
Ann M. Hayward Music Scholarship (0153)
Awarded to entering freshman vocal majors by recommendation of faculty.
Dorothy Poret Chamber Singers Scholarship
Provides a scholarship award to an Ä¢¹½tv student who is a member of the Ä¢¹½tv Chamber Singers and who will serve as a section leader in the Calvary Presbyterian Chancel Choir for a semester. Must be a member of the Ä¢¹½tv Chamber Singers and serve as a section leader in the Calvary Presbyterian Chancel Choir for a semester. Must maintain a 3.0 GPA; attend designated rehearsals and worship services.
William G. and Diane Wynn Wagner Scholarship Award in Trombone and Voice (5325)
The award is divided equally. The scholarship in trombone is given to a student majoring in trombone studies in the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance who demonstrates excellence in performance. The scholarship in voice is awarded to a female student majoring in Music Education with an emphasis in voice who demonstrates financial need.
Annie-Laurie Wheat Music Theater Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to Music majors studying Voice and participating in the Music Theater program.
Woodwind Area Scholarships
Matthew Robert Hornick Memorial Scholarship for Music Education (0482)
Mr. Hornick was a 2002 graduate of Ä¢¹½tv with a degree in Music Education. The scholarship, established in his memory by his parents, Chris (’68) and Mary Louise Hornick, provides support for an incoming freshman in the clarinet studio.