The Ä¢¹½tv Community Music School ensembles offer students of all ages the opportunity to make music together under the direction of a highly qualified director. All three ensembles will perform a minimum of once during the semester, with most performing more than once.

Crimson Youth Choir


The Crimson Youth Choir encompass the choral singing opportunities for primary and secondary students within the Ä¢¹½tv Community Music School.

It is divided into two groups—the Crimson Children's Choir (CCC) and Vocé—with the CCC generally for younger and less experienced singers, and Voce being a select, audition-only ensemble comprised of middle and high school students.

Both ensembles function and learn music separately, but also combine to perform as one larger choir.

Through the semesters repertoire, CCC members work on proper singing, breathing, reading music, matching pitch, diction, etc. Voce does the same, but rehearses an extra 30 minutes to work on select repertoire. Voce members may also have the opportunity for workshop participation (dates TBD) where they can arrange their own a capella songs and work on ensemble techniques.

Depending on enrollment, there is also the opportunity for Voce to work with a guest clinician.


  • Crimson Children's Choir: Students, generally ages 6-13, who want to learn to read music, match pitch, and learn the basic fundamentals of singing.
  • Vocé: Students, generally middle and high school, who can more advanced in singing, reading music, and are ready for more challenging vocal repertoire of at least three parts.


Monday's during fall/spring semesters from 5:00-7:00 p.m. The director will announce whether rehearsal will be held during Thanksgiving week and Spring Break.


The rate established in 2018–19, $25 tuition plus the $25 registration fee ($50 per semester), remains in effect as we continue to keep participation as affordable as possible. For additional funding assistance, see our Scholarships Page.

  • NOTE: There is a minimum number of paid registrations necessary for the ensemble to be held. Bring a friend!


Auditions are for placement in the most appropriate ensemble; all auditioning students will be placed in an ensemble.

University Band


The University Band is a unique hybrid ensemble comprised of community members of all ages, ranging from high school to retirees, Ä¢¹½tv music majors on secondary instruments, and other Ä¢¹½tv non-music major students.

It is an official course in the Ä¢¹½tv catalog (MUSC 124), so while community members still participate through the Ä¢¹½tv Community Music School, all Ä¢¹½tv students have the option of taking it as a zero- or one-credit class, depending on their number of total credits for the semester.

The group provides a rich and engaging experience for both collegiate players and community members. Parts are rotated throughout the semester to give all players a variety of opportunities for section and solo playing.


Wind, brass, and percussion players, age 15 (ninth grade for the upcoming academic year) and older.


Tuesdays during the semester from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., excluding Ä¢¹½tv semester breaks.


For community members only, it is $25 per semester plus a $25 registration fee. Some scholarships are available (see our Scholarships Page for funding assistance—high school students only). For Ä¢¹½tv students, it is a one-credit course, or if enough credits, can be taken for zero credit.


There are NO auditions! See the University Band page for information on how to start playing in the band.

Indiana Community Choir


The Indiana Community Choir provides individuals in the greater Indiana region the opportunity to sing and perform great choral literature not typically accessible to choirs in a rural region. It is also the opportunity to learn choral and singing techniques from a master singer, conductor, and music teacher with a 25-year background in vocal pedagogy, choral and solo song literature, and experience in popular styles and musical theater.


Singers who match pitch; music reading ability desirable; age 15 (ninth grade for the upcoming academic year) and older.


Mondays during the semester from 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. The director will announce at the beginning of the semester whether there will be a rehearsal during that semester's break.


$25 per semester, plus $25 registration fee, $50 TOTAL; high school and college-age students pay only the registration fee (see our Scholarships Page for funding assistance—high school students only).

Voice Check / Part Placement

There are NO auditions to participate. Individuals wishing to participate simply sing a short "voice check" with the director before the first rehearsal so he can get to know the person's voice and assign a voice part. There is nothing to bring or prepare; simply come ready to vocalize and possibly sight-read.

Percussion Ensemble

Tentative for the fall, dependent upon University Band registrations, and recommendations by area band directors.


The Percussion Ensemble is the combined opportunity for percussion students of all ages to both play in the Indiana Concert Band as a section under the direction of Jason Worzbyt, and as a percussion ensemble under the direction of the current primary graduate percussion student. In the band, they have the opportunity to play a variety of pieces and styles. In the percussion ensemble, and depending on enrollment, they will also play various pieces and styles written specifically for percussion ensemble by various composers. The Percussion Ensemble will perform as a separate ensemble in the end-of-semester concert.


High-school-age percussionists (age 15 or ninth grade for the upcoming academic year) and up through adults with an interest in percussion and with some music-reading ability. Community members are also welcome.


Tuesdays during the semester from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. One hour is spent in band rehearsal with Dr. Worzbyt and one hour in the percussion ensemble with the graduate student director. It will be announced at the beginning of the semester by the directors whether there will be a rehearsal during the semester breaks.


The Percussion Ensemble is offered at no cost. However, each high-school-age participant must have the recommendation of his/her band directors. Recommendations must be emailed to the Ä¢¹½tvCMS director, Jeff Wacker, at


There is no audition for the Percussion Ensemble, but again, high-school-age players must have their band director's recommendation. Adults of all ages may also play in the ensemble; contact the Ä¢¹½tvCMS director, Jeff Wacker, at for more details.