Ä¢¹½tvCMS LogoThe Ä¢¹½tv Community Music (Ä¢¹½tvCMS) has access to wonderful facilities in Cogswell Hall, and a wonderful partnership with the Ä¢¹½tv Music Department in terms of them providing qualified and talented instructors.  It is a great match! What we don't have, and what we are always looking for—typically as grants and gifts—is hard dollars operating support. The reality is that if we didn't underwrite the program and charged what it costs to run, no one would participate. It would simply be too expensive.

We have over the years obtained various grants that provide the majority of the cost, as well as periodic donations from companies and some generous individuals in the community, and we are always very grateful for this support as it has kept the doors of the Ä¢¹½tvCMS open for 10 years!

Since individuals continue to inquire about how to support the Ä¢¹½tvCMS, we set up the link below so gifts can go directly to the Ä¢¹½tvCMS. The gift goes directly into the Ä¢¹½tvCMS account at the Foundation for Ä¢¹½tv, which in turn acknowledges the tax-deductible gift with a letter.

If you are part of a business or corporation and would like to provide ongoing support, or if you're simply an individual who would like additional information on giving, please contact University Advancement. They have a number of personnel who will be glad to assist you.

With only one rate increase in 10 years, we are committed to keeping our costs as low and affordable as possible for those in our rural area.  And while we are currently able to offer scholarships to some high school age students to participate in ensembles, we would very much like to see a growing scholarship fund that also assists deserving students with private lessons.

But to be able to do so, the school must be able to consistently meet its operating expenses, which will require continued support from those individuals and businesses that want to see music continue to flourish in our region.

As always, we thank you for your support, and we look forward to generations of students making music a part of their lives.

Jeff Wacker
Arts-in-Education Services