String Project PoliciesAdmission to the String Project

To apply for admission to the Ä¢¹½tv String Project, fill out the application to send in.

Although applications are accepted throughout the year, parents are encouraged to send in applications before the beginning of the semester schedule. See the Ä¢¹½tv String Project Schedule for specific dates.


Students need to provide their own instruments for lesson and ensemble instruction. For information on purchasing or renting string instruments, please see the list of string resources.


The Ä¢¹½tv String Project offers quality instruction at a low cost. Tuition for the program includes all private lessons and group classes. Tuition is paid each semester; however, the String Project offers parents the option of paying in two installments during a semester. Tuition rates will be published on each year's registration form. Scholarships are available on a very limited basis.

For more information about scholarships, please contact Dr. Jennings.

School Music Program Participation

The Ä¢¹½tv String Project is designed to support the string programs in the public schools. Therefore, all students enrolled in the Ä¢¹½tv String Project must also be enrolled in their school orchestra program when they reach the appropriate age and where a school orchestra program exists.


Attending lessons regularly is important for students' success in playing a string instrument. For this reason, the Ä¢¹½tv String Project has the following attendance policy:

  • Students can expect that the teacher will contact the student with appropriate notice if he/she will not be able to attend the lesson. The teacher will make up any lessons that he/she misses. If a teacher should miss a lesson without having informed the student, the String Project office in Cogswell Hall should be notified immediately.
  • If a student cannot make it to a lesson, please give the teacher notice twenty-four hours in advance, when possible. The teacher, when possible, will attempt to make up lessons missed by the student, but he or she is not required to do so.
  • It is not possible to receive reimbursements of payment for lessons that a student has missed.


Daily practice of at least the length of a lesson is crucial to the student's progress in music.

String Project teachers may request students to keep record of their practice time and turn it in.

All students progress at their own levels, both in terms of quality of playing and level of difficulty. Regular practice habits help work toward progress, not speed of progress.

Students might go through periods of different levels of motivation, but it is important to continue with the regular practice schedule. Sometimes parents are concerned that regular practice may make playing an instrument, or music itself, less enjoyable for their child, particularly during periods of low motivation. But, regular practice is always necessary. If there are concerns with this, please talk with your String Project teacher.


Students are expected to:

  • Maintain themselves in orderly fashion in lessons and classrooms.
  • Bring the proper equipment with them for each class (i.e., instrument, pencil, and notebook).
  • Show the proper respect for the property of the university and their fellow students.
  • Be orderly in the halls at all times.

Parent Responsibilities

Learning for any child is always much more successful with parent support and involvement. For this reason, students will be most successful if parents help their child to:

  • Attend lessons and classes regularly
  • Practice regularly as instructed by the teacher

Parents are also strongly encouraged to expose their child to activities and events that encourage and enforce musical interest and to attend lessons and practice sessions as guided by the teacher.