Nancy Pipkin-HutchinsonProfessor

Costume Design and Technology

Director of Production


Costume Design, Costume Technology, Stage Management, Production Management


Waller Hall B9-A Costume Studio

Waller Hall 206-H Faculty Office

Courses Taught

THTR101: Introduction to Theatre

THTR122: Costume Technology

THTR216: Fundamentals of Theatrical Design

THTR223: Stage Makeup

THTR226: Stage Management

THTR322: Costume Design

THTR489: (DTM Studio) Advanced Costume Technology

THTR489: (DTM Studio) Advanced Stage Makeup

THTR486: Practicum in Production (Costume)

FASH112: Fundamental of Clothing Construction

FASH456: Historic Costume


MFA Dramatic Arts (Costume Design) — University of California–Davis

BA Theatre — Catawba College


Nancy has decades of experience working in professional theatre. She has worked as Costume Designer, Assistant Costume Designer, Costume Director, Costume Shop Manager, Cutter/Draper, First Hand, Stitcher, Crafts Person, Shopper, Wardrobe Supervisor, and Dresser. Her variety of experiences in Theatre, Dance, and Film is incorporated in her teaching in educational settings.