Choose two works of contrasting styles from the works listed below, or you may choose to prepare works of comparable difficulty:
- Mozart, Concerto in G Major
- Quantz, Concerto in G Major
- Taktakishvili, Sonata (mvt 3)
- Burton, Sonatine (mvt 3)
- Chaminade, Concertino
- Hindemith, Sonata
Prepare any of the works below (or works of comparable difficulty)
- Cimarosa, Concerto
- Handel, Concerto #3 in G Minor
- Mozart, Concerto, K.314, 1st movement
- Paladhilhe, Concertante
- Barret, Oboe Method or Ferling 48 etudes (one slow, one fast)
Clarinet/Bass Clarinet
Prepare two or more solo works/etudes of contrasting styles (one lyrical; one technical) that best represent your performance level. See below for suggestions.You will also be asked to sight-read in your audition.
- W.A. Mozart,Concerto, (play mvt. 1 or 3)
- C.M. von Weber,Concertino,(all)
- C.M. von Weber,Concerto No. 1 in F minor,op. 73 (play mvt. 1 or 3)
- C. Saint-Saens,Sonata, (play mvts. 1 and 4)
- Willson Osborne,Rhapsody(all)
- Two contrasting etudes from Cyrille Rose,32 Etudes
Bassoonists auditioning should prepare major scales up to three flats and sharps, a chromatic scale from low Bb to high F or Bb, and one of the following selections:
- E. Bourdeau, Premier Solo, edited by H. Voxman, Rubank, Inc.
- Any piece from Solos for the Bassoon Player, Sol Schoenbach, Schirmer, Inc.
- Burrill Phillips, Concert Piece, Eastman School of Music c. 1940
- Mozart, Concerto in B Flat, (K.191), Third Movement, Rondo
Additional repertoire can be approved prior to the audition by Jason Worzbyt ( reedtip@iup.edu or 724-357-2068). Please call one month prior to the audition.
Auditioning saxophonists should prepare all major scales, a full-range chromatic scale, and two contrasting selections from the following list:
- Etude(s) from Selected Studies for Saxophone by H. Voxman or Forty-Eight Studies for All Saxophonists by W. Ferling
- H. Eccles, Sonata for Alto Saxophone (Mvts. 1, 2, or 4)
- A. Glazunov, Concerto in Eb (beginning to rehearsal 9)
- B. Heiden, Sonata (any movement)
- P. Maurice, Tableaux de Provence (any movement)
- E. Bozza, Aria
- Jazz etude from Jazz Conception by J. Snidero ("Amen," "Rose," "Proxy," or "IND Line") or Jazz Saxophone Etudes (any volume) by G. Fishman
Note: You may audition on tenor or baritone saxophone; but, if at all possible, the audition should include at least one movement or etude on alto saxophone. If accepted as a music major, all students are required to own an alto saxophone when they come to Ä¢¹½tv.