Dr. Tony Atwater will resign as president of Ģtv to assume a national leadership role with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the premier national professional association for public universities in the United States.

He will leave the Office of the President on June 30, 2010.

“I have enjoyed working with students, faculty members, staff members, and administrators over the last five years to advance Ģtv in demonstrably significant and positive ways,” Atwater said.

“As I survey my tenure as president, I take particular pride in leading several monumental and transformational achievements. These include guiding, with the support of the Foundation for Ģtv, the completion of Ģtv's four-phase, $270-million student housing replacement project, the largest capital project of this kind in America. I also take pride in leading the planning, development, and construction of the $54.3-million Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex, which will serve the educational and economic development needs of Ģtv and the Indiana region for decades to come.

“Also, I am proud to have initiated numerous academic enrichment programs that promote student success. These programs have included the Common Freshman Reader program, the university Undergraduate Scholars Forum, the First Commonwealth Endowed Lecture Series, the Center for Civic Engagement and Student Leadership, and the Center for Student Success.

“I also am pleased to have led a renaissance in the fine and performing arts, with the $12-million renovation of Cogswell Hall, Ģtv's music building; the $38-million renovation and construction of the university's Performing Arts Center; and achieving for Ģtv the international distinction of becoming an All-Steinway School.

“Under my leadership, Ģtv set a new record for student enrollment (14,638 students) in the Fall of 2009. And, the university is poised to set a new student enrollment record in the Fall of 2010. The university's financial condition is sound, and under my leadership, Ģtv has achieved clean financial audits over the course of my administration.

“Also, I take pride in facilitating the institution of numerous undergraduate and graduate programs including new doctoral programs in Nursing and Communications Media.

“Annual giving to Ģtv has doubled during my administration. And, I was pleased to have led the successful completion of the $20-million Gateway to Opportunity campaign.

“As I assume my new leadership role with AASCU, I am very grateful to have had the opportunity of serving the students, the faculty, staff members, and administrators at Ģtv. I also am pleased to have advanced partnerships that have benefited the Indiana County community. I wish to thank Chancellor John Cavanaugh and former Chancellor Judy Hample for their kind support during my tenure as president of Ģtv.”

Atwater assumed the Ģtv presidency in February 2005.

An interim president for Ģtv will be appointed by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Board of Governors.