20th Annual Scholars Forum

Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Thank you to all who participated in the 2024 Scholars Forum! A full list of participants is available in the 2024 Scholars Forum Program.

The Scholars Forum is a unique opportunity affording students a professional conference atmosphere within Ä¢¹½tv to foster scholarship and collegiality among students and faculty members. Taking place in early April of each year, all undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to present their original research, creative scholarship, teacher work samples, and other forms of scholarly discovery. 

No matter your college or major, students can participate through poster presentations, podium presentations, juried artwork, performances, business case studies, the Three-Minute Thesis competition, and more! You don't have to present in order to attend—stop by and see the diversity of work conducted by Ä¢¹½tv students. Learn more below or contact us at scholars-forum@iup.edu

Abstracts are due in early March and can be submitted through the Scholars Forum application portal at .

Proposal Submission Guidelines

 Students currently enrolled in any undergraduate or graduate program at Ä¢¹½tv are invited to present their research or creative works at the annual Scholars Forum. Students graduating from undergraduate programs in the previous December are eligible to submit a proposal to the forum as long as they are able to attend the event and present their work. Submissions must represent high-quality work that goes beyond the typical classroom assignment and must have a faculty sponsor who will attest to the quality of the work. Research done in collaboration with faculty, other students, or practicing professionals is eligible as long as the student has played a substantial role in the activity.

 Under no circumstances will late submissions be accepted!
Students must complete all information requested in the online submission system.

A checklist of required information is available for students interested in preparing for their submission via . Some of the information requested includes:

  • Student presenters' contact information
    • Please note that only Ä¢¹½tv email addresses will be accepted. Students who list non-Ä¢¹½tv email addresses in their contact information will not receive important information about their presentation. You are responsible for monitoring your Ä¢¹½tv email account for important information related to your presentation.
    • In cases where more than one student is doing the presentation, please note that the name listed first will be considered to be the “lead” presenter. The lead presenter will receive information about the presentation. It is the responsibility of the “lead” presenter to make sure all co-presenters receive this important presentation information.
  • Title of Presentation
  • Abstract of 150 words or less
    • An abstract is ideally a short paragraph that explains your research question, what you did to answer the question, and what you discovered (your results).
    • Your abstract should summarize the presentation and be free of grammatical and spelling errors. Abstracts will not be edited by Scholars Forum personnel. Your abstract will be printed in the final program as it appears in the proposal submission.
  • Name and Ä¢¹½tv email address of sponsoring faculty member
    • Faculty members must review and approve your presentation information prior to submitting it to forum organizers.
  •  Human Subjects in Research

See below for submission formats.  For more information, please send an email to scholars-forum@iup.edu

Information for Participants and the Day of the Event

Information about the day of the event will be sent to participants via email. The Scholars Forum is held at the KCAC from 9:00 a.m. to noon. All are welcome to attend. Participants will receive their judging schedule in advance of the event and are encouraged to be present at their posters or after their presentations to answer any questions. 

  • Printed event programs are available at the Scholars Forum. Volunteers will be available at the registration table to assist with navigation.
  • Breakfast snacks are available for all visitors in the KCAC lobby from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided in the PNC room from noon to 1:00 p.m.  
  • This is a professional conference. Please dress appropriately.
  • Attend as many sessions as you can! The work is interesting, and your fellow scholars will appreciate your support.
  • Be courteous to fellow presenters and refrain from speaking during presentations. Turn off cell phone ringers during presentations
  • Presenters should plan to be available the full hour for which their judging is scheduled to answer any questions (though you are welcome to stay longer).
  • Award winners will be notified by Ä¢¹½tv email after the conclusion of the event. Winners will be invited to the Scholars Forum Awards Reception.

For Poster Presentations

Your presentation should fit on one standard conference-size poster (max dimensions 36" x 48" with 36" as your width to make sure we can fit two posters per board). Posters will be displayed on rolling bulletin boards at the event. Your poster should be displayed from 9:00 a.m. to noon, but you are only required to be present during your one-hour judging window. You will be notified of your judging window via email.  

This format is ideal for ongoing work or work in more advanced stages of completion. The Office of Research and Innovation can cover printing costs if your poster is submitted to the Printer Center (print-poster@iup.edu) by the deadline (two weeks in advance of the Forum). More details will be sent to presenters via email. 

Contact the Writing Center for assistance with creating poster presentations, or visit these websites:

  • Colorado State University

  • The Basics New York University

  • University of Wisconsin–Madison

For Podium Presentations

Your presentation may be 15 minutes long, plus five minutes for questions and answers. Podium presentations will be arranged into sessions based on common themes.  Session moderators will keep presentations on schedule.  Presentations may not go beyond 20 minutes total.  You will be notified of your presentation time via email and are expected to be present for the one-hour duration of your session to answer any questions and to minimize disruptions for the other presenters in your session. 

This format is ideal for work that is in more advanced stages of completion since it allows for the presentation of a research or creative project with research results, if available. The podium presentation rooms will be equipped with a computer and large screen. You can support your presentation with PowerPoint slides, videos, or other digital means. 

Here are some resources that may help you prepare your presentation:

  • UC Davis: University of California, Davis

  • By Michael Ernst, MIT

  • By Mark Schoeberl and Brian Toon, American Geophysical Union

For Juried Art Exhibits

The juried art exhibit is open to art students.  An initial review of applications is conducted by art faculty and the Scholars Forum planning committee, and selected pieces are displayed for the duration of the event.

For Performances/Exhibits

Students in the creative arts are invited to participate in the conference by presenting visual art installations, literary readings, or performances. Performances/presentations will be for a maximum of 20 minutes, allowing for a question-and-answer period during that time frame. An initial review of applications is conducted by music faculty and the Scholars Forum planning committee.

For Business Case Studies

Students in the Business College are invited to present business case studies, crafting narratives to persuade the audience to support solutions to specific problems. An initial review of applications is conducted by the Eberly College faculty and the Scholars Forum planning committee.

For Three-Minute Thesis

Offered in conjunction with the Scholars Forum, the 3MT event offers graduate students an opportunity to present their original scholarship to a panel of judges in three minutes. Top participants from a preliminary round (prior to the Scholars Forum) will advance to the final competition.

Get more information about the Three-Minute Thesis competition.

Previous Scholars Forum Winners


Scholars Forum Award Winners Honored at Reception

Winners of the 2024 Scholars Forum were celebrated at a recent reception held in the Blue Room of Sutton Hall.

Scholars Forum and 3MT Finals

Join the School of Graduate Studies and Research and the Ä¢¹½tv Research Institute at the nineteenth annual Scholars Forum, held at the KCAC. This event celebrates student research at Ä¢¹½tv and includes the annual Three-Minute Thesis competition.

Scholars Forum and 3MT Finals

Ä¢¹½tv's Scholar's Forum will be held Wednesday, April 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in person in the KCAC.