The Hawk Rock Committee will host a two-mile run-walk on Sunday, November 13, 2011, to benefit the Hawk Rock project, a fund-raising event for three Indiana County charities addressing homelessness and hunger.

The Hawk Rock Trot will begin at 9:00 a.m. Pre-registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on University Drive.

The entry fee for the Hawk Rock Trot is $10, and participants are asked to bring a nonperishable food item for distribution to the ICCAP Food Bank and the Community Kitchen. Those who pay the entry fee will receive a free T-shirt.

The 2012 Hawk Rock is a twenty-four-hour dance-a-thon planned for March 30 at 9:00 p.m. to March 31 at 9:00 p.m. at the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex. It will benefit ICCAP Food Bank, the Community Kitchen, and Family Promise.

Serving as chair of the Hawk Rock Committee is student Malia Lazor from the Office of Service Learning. The 2012 event, the first at Ä¢¹½tv, has as its theme, “Raise It. Dance It. Share It.” It is designed both to celebrate the efforts related to fund-raising and build more awareness about the issues of homelessness and hunger.

Participants can register on the Hawk Rock Trot website or in person at the Office of Service Learning, 301 Pratt Hall. More information is available by contacting Service Learning at 724-357-3103.