Ģtv's annual Homecoming celebration October 14–16 is expected to draw thousands “home” to Indiana for alumni reunions and events for the entire community, including the annual parade and football game.
Starting October 13, the Ģtv Theater-by-the-Grove will present We are Proud… on the Waller Hall Mainstage, Performing Arts Center. Shows are at 8:00 p.m. on October 13, 14, 15 and at 2:00 p.m. on October 16. Tickets are required.
Alumni Book Signing
Events on October 14 begin with a free presentation and book signing by Ģtv journalism graduate Paula Reed Ward, a reporter for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Ward will discuss her book, Death by Cyanide: The Murder of Autumn Klein, on October 14 from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. in room 225 of the Ģtv Humanities and Social Sciences Building. Her presentation will be followed with a book signing in the building lobby. Her book will be available for purchase at the event.
Department Alumni Events
Two departmental alumni events are planned for October 14: the Department of Communications Media will host an alumni networking event and reception, and there is also a reception for alumni from the Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry. On October 15, the departments of Computer Science and Mathematics will host an alumni breakfast in Stright Hall at 8:00 a.m.
Museum Gala
On October 14, Ģtv's University Museum will host its annual Gala. This year's theme is “A 40th Anniversary Celebration in Black and White.” Tickets and reservations are required.
Homecoming Parade
The Homecoming parade, with a theme of “Bringing the Pages to Life” (focusing on children's literature), will start at 10:00 a.m. October 15.
It will feature more than 70 campus and community units, including the following floats: “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” built by Sigma Sigma Sigma, Delta Tau Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, and Alpha Sigma Alpha; “Harry Potter,” built by Sigma Kappa, Delta Zeta, Phi Kappa Psi, and Kappa Delta Rho; “Where the Wild Things Are,” built by Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Xi Delta, Sigma Pi, and Sigma Chi; “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” built by Kappa Sigma, Alpha Sigma Tau, Theta Chi, and Delta Phi Epsilon; and “The Lorax,” built by Phi Kappa Tau, Delta Gamma, Alpha Gamma Delta, and the Latino Student Organization (LaSO).
The parade will start at 11th and Philadelphia streets and travel east to Sixth and Philadelphia streets, south on Sixth Street to Church Street, west on Church Street to Oakland Avenue, and southwest on Oakland Avenue to 11th Street, where the parade will disband. All motor-driven floats will continue southwest on Oakland Avenue to the Robertshaw building for disassembly.
Firing of the Ģtv Department of Military Science's howitzer cannon, which will be near the Indiana County Court House, will signal the start of the parade.
Immediately following the parade, volunteers from Ģtv's sororities and fraternities will clean the parade route and Mack Park, where the floats were constructed.
In addition to Ģtv's Marching Band, the parade will feature marching bands from Blairsville, Homer-Center, Indiana, Marion Center, Purchase Line, Saltsburg, and United high schools.
Five float prizes will be given: first prize of $1,000, sponsored by the Ģtv Alumni Association; second prize of $900, sponsored by the Ģtv Co-op Store; third place of $800, sponsored by Aramark; fourth prize of $700, cosponsored by the Student Government Association and the Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement; and fifth prize of $600, sponsored by University Advancement.
Parade judges this year will be Ģtv alumni Claire Hogan and Sherry Renosky; Peter Broad, president of Indiana Borough Council; and Student Art Association President Madelyn Barrante and Vice President Tyler Johnson.
Crimson Court
Now in its seventh year at Ģtv, the Crimson Court will take part in all universitywide Homecoming activities, including the parade. The Crimson Court consists of students chosen by a universitywide vote to represent each of the colleges at Ģtv, as well as the Punxsutawney campus.
To qualify for the court, students must have at least a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average and be in good judicial standing at Ģtv.
Ģtv's 2016 Crimson Court are:
- College of Humanities and Social Sciences — Nicolette Deyarmin, an English education major from New Florence. The daughter of Michael and Barbara Deyarmin, she is a 2013 graduate of United High School. She is a dean's list student and is the Lora Lee Phillips Memorial Scholarship winner, and was the 2015–16 Student of the Year for English Education. She is president of National Council of Teachers of English (2015–16), Social Chair of Sigma Tau Delta (2015–16), a member of Kappa Delta Pi honor society, and was a committee chair for the Hawk Rock fundraising event in 2014. She is a photographer for the Penn student newspaper.
- Punxsutawney campus — Kayla Thoman, a fashion merchandising major from Camp Hill. She is the daughter of Linda Zirkle of Camp Hill and Terrance Thoman of Dillsburg and is a graduate of Camp Hill High School. She is a member of the Punxsutawney campus Creating Higher Standard group, the Punxsutawney Advisory Committee and, the Punxsutawney Homecoming Committee.
- College of Fine Arts — Victoria Cotter, a music education major from Pittsburgh, she is the daughter of Anna Cotter and the late Keith Cotter, Sr. She is a 2014 graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School. She is a Sutton Scholar and received the National Italian American Scholarship and the Carson Scholarship. She is a dean's list student. She is a member of the Pennsylvania Collegiate Music Educators Association and is Region II coordinator; is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota music fraternity, serving as social chair; participated in Orvieto Musica–Orvieto, Italy through Ģtv; and is a member of the University Wind Ensemble, University Orchestra, University Jazz Ensemble, and Ģtv Marching Band. She is the head community assistant for Suites on Pratt.
- College of Health and Human Services — Kara McClain, a senior nursing major from Grove City. She is the daughter of Lynne McClain and Robert McClain and is a 2013 graduate of Grove City High School. She is a member of the Cook Honors College and is a McNair Scholar. She received a Goldwater Scholarship in spring 2016, one of only 16 students to win from Pennsylvania and the only nursing major among all winners. She is a volunteer tutor for Upward Bound Math and Science program, a Hopeful Hearts Peer Support group facilitator, and president of the Ģtv Cycling Club. McClain took first place in the undergraduate medical microbiology poster presentation contest at the 2015 American Society for Microbiology Conference, won the Highmark Heathcare Scholarship for Rising Juniors, twice was awarded the Women's Club of Ģtv Book Award, was a Phillips Foundation Distinguished Scholars winner, and is a dean's list student and provost scholar. She traveled to Kenya to volunteer with an organization that helps with impoverished families to improve their quality of life. At Ģtv, she is combining the work for degrees in both nursing and pre-medicine, and her research at Ģtv focuses on tick-borne diseases. She has presented her research at several conferences, and she plans to continue working in the lab to learn more about how these diseases cause epidemics in humans. Through the McNair program, McClain received funding for an undergraduate research opportunity for 10 weeks at the University of Pittsburgh in its Summer Undergraduate Research Program in summer 2016, and she conducted a research project in the Cell Biology and Molecular Physiology program. She also has worked as a residential assistant in the Cook Honors College and is a former scholar-athlete, competing on the Crimson Hawks' cross country team.
- College of Education and Educational Technology — Cara Masters, an early childhood and special education major from Kittanning. She is the daughter of Andrea and Carl Masters, Jr. and is a 2013 graduate of Kittanning Senior High School. She is a dean's list student and is a Sutton Scholar. She is a member of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority, National Association for the Education of Young Children, Council for Exceptional Children, Pennsylvania State Educators Association, and Special Needs Activities Program, and she works in the Ģtv Phonathon. She also participated in the Autism Speaks Philanthropy Events, raising more than $15,000.
- Eberly College of Business and Information Technology — Francesca Ritchie, a small business management and entrepreneurship major from Pittsburgh. She is the daughter of Gloria and Vincent Ritchie and is a 2013 graduate of Oakland Catholic High School. She is a dean's list student, vice president for recruitment for Students Opting for Alcohol and Drug Responsibility, and the event coordinator and educator for the Future Entrepreneurs Club.
- College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics — Stephanie Bachman, a physics and sociology major from Media. She is the daughter of Ruth and Gary Bachman and is a 2013 graduate of Cardinal O'Hara High School. A member of the Cook Honors College, she is the recipient of the Esko Newhill Award for Excellence in sociology, is a dean's list student, is a dean's merit scholar, and received the Cook Honors College Scholarship, Sutton Scholarship, Jayne Giniewicz Memorial Scholarship, and Laura Mateer Scholarship. She is a tutor for the American Language Institute, a tutor for Upward Bound Math and Science program, a math tutor, an undergraduate research assistant, and a staff writer for the Penn student newspaper. She is a volunteer at the Alice Paul House. She is a head usher for the Lively Arts and works as a community assistant. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honors Society, Conversation Partners, Sociology Club, Physics Club, ECO Club, Catholic Student Association, and Residence Hall Council.
Parade Grand Marshals
Ģtv President Michael Driscoll and his wife, Becky, will lead the parade along with John Ninosky, president of the Ģtv Alumni Board of Directors. Ninosky, a 1993 criminology graduate, is an attorney and shareholder with the law offices of Johnson Duffie in Harrisburg. The Alumni Board of Directors works with the Ģtv Office of Alumni Affairs to create and enrich relationships with current and future alumni in the advancement of Ģtv.
Crimson Huddle
Open to all, the traditional Crimson Huddle Alumni and Friends Pregame Party will be from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. October 15 in the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex. It will feature more than 20 different reunion groups, including sororities, fraternities, academic departments, and sports teams. Cost is $15 for adults and $7 for children ages five to 12. Children younger than five are admitted free.
As part of the Crimson Huddle, the Ģtv Ambassadors will offer a Kidz Korner at the Kovalchick Complex. The festival features a variety of children's activities, with cartoon characters, games, crafts, and prizes.
Celebrate Archaeology Day
The Department of Anthropology will host Celebrate Archaeology Day from noon to 3:00 p.m. on October 14 on the ground floor of McElhaney Hall on campus. The family-friendly event is free and open to the community.
Football Game
The Homecoming football game between Ģtv and Slippery Rock will begin at 2:00 p.m. The Crimson Court and prize sponsors for the parade floats will be recognized. The halftime show will feature the Ģtv Marching Band, under the direction of David Martynuik. The band will present the postgame show at the stadium immediately following the game.
Monte Carlo Night
Among other activities Homecoming weekend, the Ģtv Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement is sponsoring the fourth annual Homecoming Monte Carlo Night from 9:00 p.m. Saturday to 2:00 a.m. Sunday, with casino games, prizes, dancing, laser tag, and food at the Kovalchick Complex. The event is open to students only, and admission is $7.
Annual Homecoming Concert
The annual Homecoming concert, featuring Ģtv bands, will be at 3:00 p.m. Sunday in the Performing Arts Center's Fisher Auditorium. Tickets for the concert are available in advance at the Ģtv Hadley Union Building ticket office. Remaining tickets may be purchased at the door starting 45 minutes before the start of the performance.
A complete list of Homecoming events, including reunions, is available on the Ģtv Homecoming website.